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Site Event: Boggart on the Loose!

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 1:56 am
by Jae
I belatedly realised that in my excitement to post I forgot to set the context for the boggart event.

Not too long ago we were thinking about creating a site-wide event with a few threads linked to the event. For each of these threads, we would randomly pick a few characters and a location; this would help us bring together characters whom might otherwise not have much opportunities to interact with each other.

For this boggart event, the proposed character groupings and locations are as follows:

Dorian and Kyle at the Great Lake:
Kyle accidentally lets a boggart loose, and the boggart immediately takes on the form of a massive bonfire. The boggart eventually moves to the Forbidden Forest. (I also realise belatedly that I didn’t specify which day of the week Kyle’s thread took place on; I’m guessing the threads might work better if it happened on a weekend, so that the students and professors wouldn’t be stuck in their respective classes.)

Matt, Astrid and Louis at the Forbidden Forest:
The ‘bonfire’ that the boggart turned into startles the animals in the vicinity. Apart from having to deal with the panicked creatures, the characters also encounter the boggart itself, which eventually ends up in Hogsmeade.

Cassandra and Ethan at Hogsmeade:
The final location that the boggart moves into, where it is finally captured or banished away for good.

Apart from these three threads, NoxWolf has also started a new thread where Matt arrives at Hogsmeade; this could potentially be a prelude to the boggart event too.

Please feel free to start your respective threads; we can have them going on simultaneously. If anyone has anything they’d like to clarify or any suggestions to raise, please let us know as well :D I know we're a couple of days past Halloween, but happy boggart hunting! (Wait, does that even make sense? :P )

Re: Site Event: Boggart on the Loose!

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:23 pm
by kim
Thanks Jae!

I just wanted to add/clarify something.

Each thread can start, progress, and end at a comfortable and fun pace for the players involved. There is no need to wait for slower threads to catch up, and there's no need to rush the plot to catch up to faster threads. In the end, the timeline in all 3 threads will still make sense regardless of the order in which the posts came in.

I also consider this event to be a test run for doing larger plots in the future, so let us know if you have any suggestions or if something is confusing.

Have fun!!