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Tatiana Beautero

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 7:38 pm
by Tatiana Beautero
Tatiana Beautero

Tati is actually a pretty great friend to have. She’s easy to talk to, gives great advice (whether you want it or not) and she’ll be the first to encourage someone to go for something if they really want it. She’s loyal and will defend her friends to the bitter end anymore given how few and far between they are.

Whether she takes any of that herself from ‘friends’ is entirely beside the point, she plays things very close to the vest anymore. There’s a lot of trauma she hasn’t unpacked from the things she faced during the war and she’s not even sure she’s ready to yet. But friends are something one’s supposed to have, so she does her level best to give that appearance of normality. Old friends from school would have an easier time getting past her walls having known her before everything as such she'd more easily let her guard down.

This one oddly enough seems to kind of have died before it even really began with Tati. Anytime anyone has even mentioned someone perhaps even having a passing interest in her it’s like she turns into the Ice Queen or something. Given she’s normally so caring and warm it’s truly bizarre but… behind that wall of ice the truth is her own heart is more than bruised or broken. It’s shattered into pieces and Tati blames no one but herself.

How can she ever possibly be deserving of love when she knowingly condemned the one she loved to a cursed life? Because she was too afraid to live with the guilt if he’d died. No, it’s better to avoid the subject entirely, she can live with being single and be happy vicariously through others around her. (FYI: Obviously there's a romantic angle in play with her and Bishop... but I still haven't decided on if she never dated anyone else when they were in school...)

I mean she was (and let’s face it in some cases still is) a Ravenclaw. They have a reputation for being judgmental for a reason. And while Tati tends to try to hold her tongue most of the time until she’s in more private settings that doesn’t mean she always does or will. She’s bound to ruffle a few feathers, especially when she’s upset, angry or stressed.

While working she does have an amazing bedside manner but if it’s a highly stressful situation she will absolutely get very snappy until things settle and that can of course rub some the wrong way. Tati won’t apologize for it because sometimes it is what needs to be done at the time. She will always do what she has to do, if it makes someone mad, fine they’ll be mad, they can get over it or not. Won’t bother her.

Extra Info:
-Thomas J (TJ) Tati's service dog is almost always with her unless specifically mentioned to be elsewhere, he's the glue that's holding her together currently.
- She has zero chill for anyone who even jokingly supports Death Eaters/Voldemort or finds anything about the last war funny and will snap fast about it.
- Tati used to love to ice skate as a preteen/teenager, Hagrid showed her a small secluded section of Black Lake too shallow for anything to live or swim in that could easily be enchanted to freeze during the winter but she hasn't done so in a decade or more.
- Her mental health issues have made her an absolute pro at avoiding social interaction as much as she can but that's where TJ often comes into play, she won't deny him social interaction because of her hang ups.