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Nuka Murphy

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 11:47 pm
by Nuka Murphy
Image Full Name: Nuka Murphy
Age: 36
Birthdate: March 25, 1969
Parents: Butch Murphy, 58, AWOL. Synelia Provost, deceased. (Declan is a cousin)
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: Pureblood
Height/build: 66 inches, slim & athletic
Hair/eye colour: Blond/Blue-Green
Profession: Auror
House: Gryffindor
Wand: Blackthorn (with a design on the outside that reflects it), Phoenix feather, 10 3/4 inches, slightly springy
Patronus: A hawk
Boggart: The dead bodies of her comrades from when she was training
Broom: She had a motorcycle that she's modified to be her "broom"
Skills: Apparate, wordless and wandless magic, and Occulemency

Born on March 25, 1969, Nuka grew up in a modest wizarding family in a small town. From a young age, she displayed exceptional magical talent and an unwavering sense of justice. Her time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a Gryffindor student further shaped her character, fueling her passion for defending the innocent and standing up against injustice.

After graduating from Hogwarts, Nuka wasted no time in pursuing her dream of becoming an Auror. She joined the Ministry of Magic's Auror Department and quickly proved her skills and dedication in combating dark forces. Nuka's early years as an Auror were filled with intense missions, dangerous encounters, and the constant threat of evil lurking in the wizarding world.

However, it was during a particularly harrowing mission that tragedy struck. Nuka witnessed the death of several fellow Aurors, which deeply impacted her emotionally. The trauma of losing her comrades and the burden of responsibility took a toll on her psyche. Seeking solace, she turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism, using it to numb the pain and temporarily escape the weight of her experiences.

Despite her internal struggles, Nuka remained a formidable and respected Auror. Her relentless pursuit of justice, coupled with her exceptional magical abilities, earned her recognition within the department. However, her drinking habit and the emotional baggage she carried became an ongoing battle that affected her personal and professional life.

Throughout the years, Nuka's journey as an Auror took her to various locations, often working as a lone operative on special assignments. This lack of stability further fueled her internal turmoil, as she found it difficult to form lasting connections and build meaningful relationships. Her promiscuous behavior, particularly when under the influence, became a way for her to seek fleeting moments of connection and escape from her inner demons.

She is still left to her own devices for the most part, left to handle missions on her own since she always manages to complete her missions and do them well, but at this point in her life, she rather hopes to find something more useful to try and rid herself of her inner demons.

She is driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, with an unwavering dedication to protecting the innocent and upholding justice. Her Gryffindor upbringing instilled in her a fierce determination, courage, and an indomitable spirit that pushes her to confront even the most dangerous adversaries.

Despite her stern and serious demeanor, Nuka has a hidden depth that reveals itself to those who truly get to know her. Beneath her tough exterior, there lies a vulnerability born out of the traumas she has endured. Her struggles with alcoholism have left her grappling with inner turmoil, causing her to build walls and keep others at arm's length. Yet, when she lets her guard down, she can display loyalty, compassion, and a profound capacity for empathy.

Nuka is known for her cryptic nature, often keeping her thoughts and emotions carefully guarded. She possesses a sharp intellect and a keen eye for detail, allowing her to excel in her work as an Auror. Her analytical mindset enables her to uncover hidden clues and connect the dots, making her a formidable investigator. However, her cryptic nature can also make it challenging for others to understand her fully, contributing to her tendency to be a loner.

Driven by her desire to make amends for the past and protect others from the darkness she has witnessed, Nuka maintains an unwavering focus on her Auror duties. She is known for her resourcefulness, adaptability, and willingness to go to great lengths to ensure the safety of the wizarding community. Yet, her internal struggles continue to test her resolve, as she grapples with the fine line between justice and revenge, and battles to find a sense of balance and personal redemption.

Face Claim: Natalie Dormer
OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord