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Leiliana Bell

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:27 pm
by Leiliana Bell
Student Application

Full Name: Leiliana Bell
Age: 16-17
Birthdate: March 10
House: Slytherin
Year: 6
Classes: (See Hogwarts Subjects Guide for more information)
Leiliana was born to an old wizarding family that resides in London. They are well known for their association with Cogg and Bell Clockmakers. Though a distant relative of the founder, the family specializes in wizarding clocks and is sitting on a small fortune. Both of Leiliana's parents are alive and her father is the descendant of the Bell family. Her father met her mother while attending Hogwarts in their first year. They were best friends up until 7th year when they were Head Boy and Girl and soon after discovered there was more to their relationship than just friendship.

She was raised in a beautiful home and though she is a sweet girl, she can be a little spoiled as her parents give her just about anything she wants. Leiliana loves school and is known for her house spirit. Though she does not play quidditch, she is one of the biggest cheerleaders for the Slytherin house team. Her smile radiates energy and she flourishes being a social butterfly.


Her personality is bubbly and fun. She is intelligent, creative, and ambitious. In class, she earns top marks in just about all of her subjects. She is also enthusiastic about meeting new people and this drives her to participate in many clubs at Hogwarts. For the most part, she is friendly and outgoing.

Face Claim: Hayden Panettiere

Optional fields that you may find helpful in mapping out your character include:

Birthplace: London
Hometown: London
Residence: London
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: (Muggle-born, half-blood, pure-blood) Pureblood
Pet: N/A
Wand: (wood, length, core, flexibility) Acacia wood, dragon heartstring core, 8 -11 inches, and briskly flexible
Patronus: Swan
Boggart: Her usual perfect appearance with frazzled hair, ruined makeup
Broom: N/A

Family Members:
Parents: (names, ages, occupations)
Cornelius Bell-Clockmaker
Catherin Bell-Homemaker

Years/dates attending: 1-6 (current)
Quidditch team position: Cheering the team on!
Best class: Transfiguration/Charms
Worst class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Favourite class:Transfiguration
Least favourite class: Potions

Height/build: 5'3
Hair/eye colour: Green

OOC information: laggylestrange
OOC username:laggylestrange
Preferred means of contact: (i.e. Discord/PM) Discord

Please post your application here, or as a new topic in the Applications board. It will be moved to the Profiles board when it is approved.