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Eabha McKeegan

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 6:44 pm
by Eabha McKeegan
Full Name: Éabha Brigid Mac Aodhagáin (AY-va Brih-JEED Mac KEY-gan) (Written as Eabha Brigid McKeegan to simplify things)
Age: 17
Birthdate: March 27, 1988
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 7th Year
  • Transfigurations
  • Charms
  • Herbology
  • Potions
  • Divination
  • Astronomy
  • Ancient Runes
  • Ancient Studies
  • The Hogwarts Times
The Mac Aodhagáin family line is one with unusual traditions that go back to ancient times. Firstly, it is matrinymic, meaning that the maternal last name is taken in marriage. Secondly, the eldest daughter's middle name is always Brigid. An older spelling of the family surname is preferred generally, but is Anglicized to benefit those unfamiliar with the Irish language, making it 'McKeegan.' The women in her family are known for their fiery red hair, green eyes, and affinity for Divination.

Both of her parents were journalists of sorts. Her father worked for the Daily Prophet, contributing to various types of articles, many of which were mundane stories about the minsitry and an occassional Quidditch World Cup contribution. Meanwhile, her mother was a Seer who wrote the horoscopes and "fortunes" for Witch Weekly. Even before she was old enough to understand everything in the publication, Witch Weekly quickly became Eabha's favorite, especially for the wizarding celebrity gossip.

Eabha's early years were steeped in her family's older traditions. While her parents both attended Hogwarts as children and learned from the best teachers, there were forms of magic passed down through her mother's line for generations that her mother had begun to teach her. Most of these, she later learned, were covered in Ancient Studies classes. As a child, she learned and memorized Oracle and Tarot cards, and was able to read a basic, three-card spread before her first year.

On her first train ride to Hogwarts, she met someone who would go on to be her best friend, Sophie Wright. The two rode in the same compartment on the train ride and Eabha offered to give her a tarot reading once the two had started chatting it up. She learned the Sophie was a first year herself and the two talked about what they thought the school would be like.

Her early years at Hogwarts were best described as cautious. She began during the reopening of Hogwarts in 1999, when there was still much apprehension around the safety of the school following the battle that had taken place in 1998 against the Dark Lord. Still, her mother and grandmother both felt secure in allowing her to attend. Eabha was sorted into Hufflepuff, like her maternal grandmother and her father.

Classes at Hogwarts were challenging to start. Defense Against the Dark Arts, while very relevant given recent events, always bored her. Perhaps it was from her penchant for gossip that distracted her from actually learning anything. Eabha always knew there was something going on between the Deputy Headmistress and Professor Forrester, and she spent much of her time conjuring up stories about what it could have been. This sparked her joy for gossip to the point that she wanted her own gossip column in the Hogwarts Times, which was refused every time she asked.

Eabha had a natural ability for Divination and Astronomy thanks to what she was taught by her family. She really enjoyed picking up the different areas of study more easily than some. Her favorites in particular were palmistry, crystal-gazing, and in more recent years, cartomancy. When preparing for her O.W.L. in Divination, Eabha would charge a few sickles to read peoples' fortunes for practice.

Now that she's in her final year, Eabha has worked hard to hone her skills getting information and discrete ways to share it with others. Once she graduates, she wants to follow in her mother's footsteps as a Seer and provide readings and horoscopes to others, maybe even for Witch Weekly or the Daily Prophet.

Eabha is a person who radiates energy and is a big ray of sunshine to those she's around. Of course, much of that energy comes from never being on task and talking to friends when in a classroom setting. A very common phrase she's heard (or read in letters home) is that she'd be an O-level student if she'd just apply herself and focus more. In Eabha's mind if she isn't failing anything, she doesn't see the problem... even if it is a distraction for her friends! Overall, Eabha is a rather amicable person. On the surface she presents herself as trustworthy and a 'what-you-see-is-what-you-get' type of person.

She is a person who is always listening when in social settings. While she doesn't focus as much on her studies, she certainly studies those around her to find out what's going on or to see what can be spun up into a fun story. For the Hogwarts Times, she only writes horoscopes and little advice columns that are approved by their advisor. She keeps her rumour milling a secret and never shares information that can be traced back to her. Additionally, she doesn't ever start rumours that aren't routed in truth or would get someone into any serious trouble like expulsion or terminated from employment. Just striking up things from observations made and for laughs.

Her favorite passtime comes from her mother and grandmother, which is practicing her Divination. It's not uncommon to see her with her cards out in a spread or holding someone's hand, palm up, to tell them what she sees. It's in these readings that she sometimes even gets the start on some new stories!

Face Claim: Abigail Cowen

Birthplace: Royal City of Dublin Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Hometown: Trim, County Meath, Ireland
Residence: Trim, County Meath, Ireland and Hogwarts
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: Half-blood
Pet: Longy Tabby Manx named Granuaile Image Wand: Silver Lime with phoenix feather, 11 inches, solid
Patronus: Raven
Boggart: The mysterious outline of a seemingly soaked figure in obscured by fog
Broom: Bright Spark
Certifications/skills: Apparition

Family Members:
  • Eoin Darragh Mac Aodhagáin (née Ó Diubháin), 38, Journalist for the Daily Prophet
  • Mairead Brigid Mac Aodhagain, 37, Seer/Horoscope Writer for Witch Weekly
  • None.
Years attending:1999-2006
Best class: Divination
Worst class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Favourite class: Divination
Least favourite class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
O.W.L. results:
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts A
  • Potions E
  • Transfigurations E
  • Charms E
  • Herbology E
  • History of Magic O
  • Divination O
  • Astronomy O
  • Ancient Runes E
Height/build: 5'10"/Slender-fit
Hair/eye colour: Fiery Red/Green

OOC information:
OOC username: Blue
Preferred means of contact: Discord - sopranoblues