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Andromeda Morningstar

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 3:21 pm
by Andromeda Morningstar

Full Name:Andromeda "Andie" Morningstar
Birthdate:September 25th
Classes: History of Magic, Charms, Flying, Art, Magical Theory
History: Andromeda is the daughter of Andrea Morningstar who played for the Hollyhead Harpies for several years and was their team captain during her time on the team. Andromeda has no desire to play quidditch professionally but does have a talent and knack for improving the quality and speed of the brooms. She finds their logistics interesting and hopes to one day become a broom maker herself. She isn't sure who her father is, as he isn't spoken about much but she is sure that he was a muggle or at least of muggle decent due to the fact that she is half-blooded and her mother is a pureblood herself.

Andie grew up in a loving home of her mother and her "aunt" Esther who helped her mother care for Andie when she was younger. They made sure she had great tutors growing up and tried to groom her for being a quidditch player but it became obvious quickly that the young girl had no desire to play. However, she loved riding on her broom and 'catching' air as she flew around the small home they lived in.

What Andie is unaware of is the fact that she was adopted by her 'aunt Esther' because she isn't really her aunt. Although Andie is completely aware of the fact that her mother is dating Esther she never makes a big deal about it, as her mother seems to want to keep it a secret. Her aunt also doesn't seem to mind. Nevertheless, there are always the questions of who her biological father is and why he didn't want her if he is even aware that she exists.

She never really wanted for much, not because her family came from money, which they had due to her mothers' career, but because she is a simple girl. She loves to read, write and study. When she got her letter from Hogwarts, she was thrilled because she couldn't wait to study more and really be able hoan in on her flying skills. She was sorted into Slytherin after a brief 'argument' with the sorting hat on whether or not to put her in Ravenclaw but found that her wit and ambition took precedence over her knack for knowledge.

The young girl didn't make many friends throughout her younger years in Hogwarts, mainly because she found that most people only wanted to be her friend because of who her mother was, or because she was 'pretty.' A lot of people never really took the time to get to know her as a person and only asked if they could have her mother's autograph or if they could come over and race her mom on their brooms. It was rather annoying and after a few years, she gave up and just isolated herself. She took to books, flying, and finding adventure around the school to entertain herself.

In her fifth year was when she really decided she wanted to work with brooms, she modified her own Firebolt to increase the speed as well as the agility, she also added a lantern on the front in case she was out flying at night. It had become a passion and she did all she could to study up on it and even spoke with a few of her professors to find out what she needed to excel in to become the next big broom manufacturer.

Now in her seventh year, she has taken only the classes that she thinks will help further her dream of doing just that. She has made a few friends along the way but prides herself on them being quality and doesn't care about the quantity. A few solid friends were better than all the fake ones.

Personality: Andromeda, or Andie for short, is known for being a little flirtatious. She is a very easygoing person and loves adventure. She has so much drive to achieve her dream that she would do almost anything to achieve it. She is very self-aware, keeping mainly to herself and only really throwing in her two senses when she really deems it necessary.

Her intelligence and hunger for knowledge is part of the reason she was almost sorted into Ravenclaw but that was beat out by her wit and ambition to meet any challenge put out in front of her. She is always willing to try new things and although fear does play a factor in her life, she doesn't let it control her.
Face Claim:Neve Caffrey

Hometown: Dublin, Ireland
Residence: Dublin, Ireland
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: Half-blood
Pet: A raven named Nevimora
Wand: Hollywood with unicorn hair, 12", Supple flexibility
Patronus: Phoenix
Boggart: Small Spaces
Broom: A modified Firebolt
Certifications/skills: Apparition, Killer Fly skills

Family Members:
Parents: Andrea Morningstar, Esther Montgomery
Siblings: none that she is aware of

Years/dates attending: 1997-present
Quidditch team position:N/A
Best class: Flying
Worst class: Arthimacy
Favourite class: Flying
Least favourite class: Potions (from former years)
O.W.L. results:
Transfiguration: E
Charms: O
Potions: A
History of Magic: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Astronomy: E
Arthimacy: A
Ancient Runes: O

Height/build: 5'6, Slender
Hair/eye colour: Platmium blonde, Ice blue eyes
Any unusual or interesting physical attributes: A small silver scar

OOC information:
OOC username: Felixx
Preferred means of contact: Discord