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A Lesson for Waltz to Come [Winter Solstice Dance Lessons For Ravenclaw Students]

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 9:49 pm
by Elyria Silverberg

The old wooden creaked open and Elyria stepped through. She spoke to Ethan about teaching some dances for the students and volunteered to take over for him. After all, she did teach him all those years ago when they were students! The study that Professor Flitwick had allotted them was no where near large enough for the entirety of Ravenclaw House to congregate. Instead, she recalled an old classroom on the fifth floor that was rather large. She'd asked the house elves for some assistance in removing the desks and replace them with benches long the long walls of the room for seating.

Because the class was an extra class, she'd advised the students to wear the shoes in which they planned to wear to the Winter Solstice Dance. They did not have to wear their full uniform, but still needed to dress appropriately for a lesson, meaning cloaks and winter vests were optional, but the rest of the uniform was preferred over casual clothing. Elyria knew good and well it would be a mixed bag of attire today, especially since there was still time for the students to shop around for their outfits. For the class, she wore a purple chiffon dress with long flowing cape sleeves, not too different from a pair of dress robes she'd normally wear, while also something not too far off from her own planned dress for the dance. She figured it would serve as a nice model for the students who were still looking around.

Professor Silverberg wore a sensible heel, open toed with diamonds and amethyst gem along the straps, but they were covered largely by her dress. She looked around the classroom to make sure everything was in order, though she knew it would be. The House Elves always went above and beyond -- she was always sure to take the time and thank them personally, which must have seemed odd to some. Elyria could hear foot steps coming down the corridor. As students began to enter, she greeted them with instructions.

"Welcome in, students! Please take a seat along the walls wherever you'd like. If you have a dance partner in mind, go ahead and sit beside them. Otherwise, we'll split into pairs for those without a predetermined partner."

Re: A Lesson for Waltz to Come [Winter Solstice Dance Lessons For Ravenclaw Students]

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:40 pm
by Nathaniel Wright
Nathaniel walked into the room they were using to practice dancing. While he had some practice with it, he'd drug his younger siblings into the dance space so that they could learn. He found a spot on the back wall to stand, leaning back and crossing his arms. As a prefect, he thought it best to be an example and be there regardless of needing to learn or not. Plus, for all he knew there could be something new he needed to learn. His eyes went to the door as a gaggle of girls came in and the curly red hair of the 5th year Seraphina stood out being up in her twin buns she seemed to prefer.

Seraphina looked over as the professor spoke and smiled brightly, "Oh, does it matter wha' we choose? Or are ye gonna choose for those who showed up without a partner?" she had an idea or two of who she might corral if she got an option, namely people who didn't tend to like her overexuberance. She tended to use things like this to force them to have to be nice.

Nathaniel snorted seeing people around her react to that question. It was a well-known tactic of hers and it seemed the students hoped the professor would save them.