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Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:55 pm
by kim
**If there are any significant changes or expansions to an NPC, please inform us so we can update their profile accordingly.**

Magical Adults
Ministry of Magic


Benedict Williams
Age: 13-16
House: Not Specified
Year: 3rd-5th
Known classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Arithmancy
Location: Benedict can be seen in various places around Hogwarts, including but not limited to the classrooms, the Great Hall, the corridors, and the grounds.
Personality: Benedict is a laid-back student who often forgets deadlines and requires reminders to submit assignments on time. Despite his occasional procrastination, he maintains a calm and polite demeanour when reprimanded by professors.
Associations: Benedict can be recognized by or interact with various individuals at Hogwarts, especially the teachers of the seven core subjects and students of a similar age.
Additional information: Benedict frequently finds himself in trouble during Arithmancy class. His apparent eagerness to pack up his belongings before the class ends suggests a dislike for the subject.

Bryce McTaggart
Age: 17-18
House: Not Specified
Year: 7th
Known classes: Transfiguration
Location: Bryce can be seen in various places around Hogwarts, including but not limited to the classrooms, the Great Hall, the corridors, and the grounds.
Associations: Bryce can be recognized by or interact with various individuals at Hogwarts, especially the teachers of the seven core subjects and students of a similar age.
Additional Information: In her N.E.W.T. level Transfiguration class, Bryce exudes self-assurance, confidently and successfully executing the Draconifors spell. Bryce possesses knowledge of various dragon species, as demonstrated by her choice of a Hebridean Black dragon in her mental picture.

Elena Cross
Age: 13
House: Hufflepuff (former Pukwudgie)
Year: 3rd Year
Known classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration
Location: Hogwarts, hanging around with others her age and getting to know her new home.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Elena is very quiet and kind.
Associations: Derek Cross is her father.
Additional information: Her mother passed away when she was younger, and she's lived with her father most of her life. She speaks English and Spanish fluently as she has many Spanish relatives.

Marianne Zaheer
Age: 14
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 4th Year
Known classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration
Location: Hogwarts, trying to learn the new way of life and trying to get her sister to open up.
Appearance: Play-By: Stock Image
Personality: Marianne is just as smart and creative as her older siblings, but she desperately wants to be able to help them get past their traumatic childhoods and show them the brighter paths to life. She is bright, kind, and caring to all.
Associations: She’s the youngest sibling of Erynhil Zaheer and Mera Zaheer.

Nicole Fairweather
Age: 13-16
House: Not Specified
Year: 3rd-5th
Known classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Arithmancy
Location: Nicole can be seen in various places around Hogwarts, including but not limited to the classrooms, the Great Hall, the corridors, and the grounds.
Personality: Nicole is intelligent but lacks confidence, often feeling timid in the classroom. She is shy about being called upon and rarely raises her hand to participate. She becomes particularly nervous around Integra Sigma.
Associations: Nicole can be recognized by or interact with various individuals at Hogwarts, especially the teachers of the seven core subjects and students of a similar age.
Additional Information: Nicole is good at Arithmancy, as she solved a probability question before any other student in her class.

Oliver Wright
Age: 13
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 3rd Year
Known classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration
Location: Hogwarts, hanging on his sister’s coattails, or harassing his older brother.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Oliver likes to appear like he's as smart and tough as his older siblings, but he's actually kind of shy and tends to have the special focuses that he hides from everyone else cause he doesn't want to get judged.
Associations: Older brother is Nathaniel Wright.

Orion Harte
Age: 13
House: Gryffindor
Year: 3rd Year
Known classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration
Location: Hogwarts, likely hanging out with his fellow Gryffindor housemates, getting into trouble.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Orion is much like his sister, though he isn't nearly as into fashion. He wants to establish his own identity away from the rest of the Hartes, but he is still loyal to his family. He's kind but headstrong.
Associations: He’s Nova Harte's younger brother.

Rachel Wright
Age: 15
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 5th year
Known classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration
Location: Hogwarts, focusing on her studies or trying to live up to Nate’s status.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Rachel is very self-assured and sharp as a whip. She knows what she wants and she knows how to read people pretty well for her age.
Associations: Older brother is Nathaniel Wright.

Simone Taylor
Age: 17 (born between 1 September and 31 October 1988)
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 6th
Known classes: Arithmancy
Location: Anywhere in Hogwarts, but Simone can frequently be spotted around Ravenclaw Tower and the library.
Appearance: Simone is an expert in the art of presentation, and the skilful application of makeup and hair products guarantees that she always looks her best. With a mixture of self-confidence and vanity, Simone carries herself in a manner that commands attention. Play-by: Skyler Samuels
Personality: Simone's intelligence is evident in her ability to balance her perfect grades with an active social life. Extremely charismatic, Simone effortlessly attracts people to her circle, yet her self-centred tendencies occasionally emerge. With an adventurous and daring spirit, spending time with Simone guarantees excitement; she loves to break the rules, but hates to get in trouble and will quickly pass the blame to save herself. She craves the spotlight and is easily frustrated when she does not get the attention she feels she deserves.
Associations: Simone's outgoing personality has made her a familiar figure among her fellow 6th-year students and Ravenclaw housemates. Having dated numerous students spanning from the 5th to 7th years, Simone has forged many connections at Hogwarts. Over the span of two years, from 2003-2005, Simone maintained an on-and-off casual relationship with Trent Innes. Their relationship was marked by its convenience rather than any real affection.

Sophia Sinclair
Age: 14
House: Gryffindor (formerly Wampus)
Year: 4th Year
Known classes: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration
Location: Mostly at Hogwarts for now, though she’s trying to establish herself and her reputation at the school, though that reputation is not as good as her sisters
Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Sophia is Annabelle's polar opposite. While Annabelle wants to be a healer and help everyone she can, Sophia seems to be a bit selfish and focused on herself. She is wild and a thrill seeker.
Associations: She is Annabelle Sinclair’s younger sister.

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Ministry of Magic

Alexander Wright
Age: 35
Occupation: Senior Wizengamot Member (1995-current)
Location: If he's not part of a hearing, he's usually involved in the interrogations his brother does. He can be found in the Ministry or at the family home in Leeds.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Alex is strict while at work, but he has more or less spoiled his daughter.
Associations: He is Sophie Wright's father
Additional information: While at work, he can almost seem cruel and harsh in his judgments, but he thinks of "defending the greater good" when he makes any vote.

Alistair Valtoris
Age: 35
Occupation: Department of International Magical Cooperation: International Magical Trading Standards Body Official (1994-current)
Location: He is often travelling abroad, but does try to come home during the holidays
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Alistair is stern in all aspects of his life and expects his wife and daughter to present him well, especially now that Miral is older. He is always out to gain something and is analytical of the people around him almost all the time.
Associations: He is Miral Valtoris's father and Ryford Valtoris's uncle. He also is a "business" partner with Ludwig Lestrange.

Avery Blackwood
Age: 36
Occupation: Keeper of the Hall of Prophecy (1995-current)
Location: Avery has a home somewhere in London, but she makes herself a bit purposefully hard to find. You'll likely only be able to find her when she's on duty at her desk.
Appearance: Play-by: Ruby Rose
Personality: Avery is a lot like Morgan personality-wise. She's focused and driven, and when it comes to her jobs, she's fiercely focused. After the incidents of the past, she takes her job seriously and has taken many precautions to protect the hall. She does not seem to appreciate humor while she's working, but off the clock, she's more relaxed and jovial.
Associations: Twin sister of Morgan Blackwood, cousin of Aidan Blackwood.

Beatrice Valtoris
Age: 32
Occupation: Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes: Magical Accidents Investigator (1998-current)
Location: If she's not in the field or in the office, she is at home, managing it in Alistair's absence
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Beatrice Malfoy Valtoris is a surprisingly soft-spoken woman, considering who her cousin was. She likes to keep "messes" under wraps, both professionally and otherwise. She likes to keep things quiet and private. She might ask favors of people, but never inform them as to why it's needed.
Associations: She is Miral Valtoris's mother. She entered into an Unbreakable Vow with Aurora Lestrange that they will both protect each other's children no matter what.

Benjamin Wright
Age: 39
Occupation: Interrogator for the Wizengamot (1990-current)
Location: You can only usually find him if he doesn't have work to do... which means when he's at home in Leeds.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Ben is cruel is almost all aspects of his life. He's strict on his children and he's not above anything when it comes to getting the answers he wants from prisoners that are sent to him. Alex is considered the "good cop" between them.
Associations: He is Nathaniel Wright's father.

Cordelia Anderson
Age: 44
Occupation: Department of Mysteries - Brain Room Expert (1990-current)
Location: Their home is in Birmingham, but she is easily found at the Ministry... or more easily found there.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Cordelia is kind towards most that she meets, but she's a bit quick to make an assumption about a person based on their responses to her. She is very concerned about something she's researching outside of anything she's given to work on, something to do with her husband's side of the family, but she keeps that well under wraps. She carries herself with grace and would sacrifice herself in a heartbeat for her family.
Associations: She is the mother of Nautica Anderson and Rhysln Anderson.

Edmund Morris
Age: 36
Occupation: Auror (1995-current)
Location: While he's available between missions at the Ministry, you can also sometimes catch him a pro-quidditch games if he's not on a job.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Ed is somewhat lackadaisical though he always gets the job done. He did take time to visit Aubrey's games if he could and it sort of became a tradition to go see the team, even after Aubrey left it. If Aubrey can, the two attend together, and Ed always enjoys the experience.
Associations: He is Aubrey Morris's older brother.

Imogen Wright
Age: 32
Occupation: Potioneer at the Ministry of Magic (1995-current)
Location: She is rather the opposite of her serious husband and brother-in-law and is found all over the Ministry throughout the day, making friends or being sure to at least visit them
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Imogen is a sweet lady and she wants to be of service to her fellow Ministry members. She is the force the softens Alex when he goes home, and she dotes on her daughter endlessly.
Associations: She is Sophie Wright's mother.

Lena Blackwood
Age: 66
Occupation: Auror's Office- Formerly an Auror, now has an administrative position (Administrative since 1997)
Location: Lena can be found at her home in London, at tea houses in the Muggle part of town, in Diagon Alley, or at the Ministry.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Lena has relaxed some in her older age, especially since she's not in the field anymore, but she is still sure to take her job seriously enough. She'll make sure all the rules are being followed and that all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed before she moves forward on anything. Outside of work, she's a kind, older woman, who is likely to invite you over for tea.
Associations: Mother of Morgan Blackwood, aunt to Aidan Blackwood.

Oliver Green
Age: 41
Occupation: Wizarding Law- Wand Permit Officer (1990-current)
Location: Unlike his wandering sister, Olly can easily be found around the office or taking care of his parents in Bath.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Olly is rather laidback and just likes to enjoy himself, but he isn't lax while on the clock. He doesn't think his job is that serious, but he'd rather be too focused than not enough and something happen.
Associations: Older brother to Adeline Green.

Ryford Valtoris
Age: 23
Occupation: Department of International Magical Cooperation: Magical Attaché (2000-current)
Location: He travels abroad with his uncle now that he is an adult, though he lives with them in the downtime
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Ryford is quiet most of the time, especially around his uncle. When he's with Miral though, he opens up and proves to be a kind fellow protective. He taught her how to defend herself and she taught him how to be himself.
Associations: He is Miral Valtoris's cousin and close confidant.

Samuel Green
Age: 35
Occupation: Department of Magical Cooperation: Muggle Relations Officer (1995-current)
Location: Not unlike Olly, Sammy can be found at his office, his home in London, or visiting his parents in Bath
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Sammy is closer to Addie in personality, very carefree, and he is protective of his younger sister, but he is just as flighty and has the tendency to wander.
Associations: Older brother to Adeline Green.

William Hawthorne
Age: 45
Occupation: Auror (1985-current)
Location: He is more often out in the field than tied down anywhere, but he comes home when he can to see his family and checks in at the Ministry between jobs
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: William is stern and focused while on the job. He has high expectations for his daughter, and he is not one to make that fact unclear. However, he is proud of her and probably talks about her to other Aurors often enough.
Associations: He is Amelia Hawthorne's father.

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Magical Adults

Daniel Jung
Age: 25
House: Hufflepuff
Occupation: Chef at the Curious Chimaera, and spy and informant for Malachi Lee’s information brokering business
Location: Daniel is usually found in the Curious Chimaera, although his work as an informant takes him to various parts of Britain.
Appearance: Looks can be deceiving, and Daniel is an excellent example. Standing at a mere 164cm (5′ 4.5″), his short stature and youthful, boyish looks make him appear fairly harmless, and his baggy clothes hide his physique very well. Few – if any – would ever suspect that Daniel is in reality an accomplished informant who’s skilled at navigating the complex and often treacherous underworld of wizarding Britain. Play-by: Lee Ji-hoon (Woozi)
Personality: Excitable and chatty, Daniel is a ball of sunshine who entertains those around him with his quick wits and sense of humour. He’s not afraid to use his boyish charm to get what he wants and sometimes comes across as a whiny and spoilt brat, but it’s all in good fun and he’s quick to back down and grovel melodramatically to earn a few laughs. He’s surprisingly gossipy too, and almost always has tea to spill about celebrities, public figures, and even his colleagues, much to their chagrin. (How much of what he says is true and how much is disinformation, however, remains to be seen.) Few get to see his other side though, for the usually smiley and cheerful Daniel adopts an extremely serious and inscrutable countenance when he’s working as an informant.
Associations: Although Daniel is officially employed as a chef at the Curious Chimaera and normally works in the kitchen, he’s proficient at making drinks as well. As such, he occasionally doubles up as a barista or a bartender, and it is during these times where he gets to interact more with the customers of the Curious Chimaera. As a spy and informant, he’s also familiar with Mal’s clients, whom he meets up with from time to time to furnish them with the latest intelligence he has gathered. Those who attended Hogwarts at the same time as Daniel might remember him as a hatstall: the Sorting Hat had pondered for a good six minutes before finally giving in to his wishes and placing him in Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin.

Lisa Jones
Age: 33
Occupation: Receptionist (At St. Mungo's from 1998-2005, been the receptionist since)
Location: She lives in London in a small flat, and works in Diagon Alley at Blackwood Wellness.
Appearance: Play-by: Stock Image
Personality: Lisa is a chipper, bubbly young woman who wants to bring sunshine to people's day, hence why she wanted to help Aidan, and why he picked her to be at the front desk.
Associations: She was Aidan Blackwood's coworker at St. Mungo's and he brought her to work with him at his clinic.

Sarah Langley
Age: 34
House: Gryffindor
Occupation: Manager of the Curious Chimaera, and Malachi Lee’s second-in-command for his information brokering business
Location: Sarah is usually found in the Curious Chimaera, although her work as an information broker sometimes requires her to travel around Britain to meet up with her clients or informants.
Appearance: Sarah’s most distinguishing feature is her red hair, a tell-tale sign of her fiery temper which she unleashes upon her colleagues and her employer, but never to the Chimaera’s patrons. As the manager of the establishment, she conducts herself with professionalism and aplomb, and is always ready to greet the Chimaera’s patrons with a genuine smile. Play-by: Alice Levine
Personality: Warm, friendly and hospitable, Sarah is well-loved by the Chimaera’s patrons. Her down-to-earth and practical personality sets her apart from many of the other staff who tend to be quirky in their own ways, and she’s always more than happy to roll up her sleeves (both literally and metaphorically) and get the job done when the situation calls for it. To her colleagues, Sarah is a strict logistician who runs a tight ship, making sure that both of Mal's businesses stay afloat, and overruling her boss when he makes any questionable decisions.
Associations: Naturally, the manager of the Curious Chimaera is a familiar face to the patrons of the establishment. As Mal’s second-in-command for his information brokering services, she’s also a well-known figure in the wizarding underworld, where she liaises with clients and informants from both sides of the law.

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Occupation: Hogwarts house-elf
Gender: Female
Location: Anywhere in Hogwarts, but mostly the kitchens.
Associations: Bibmy is known to all Hogwarts students, staff, and school Aurors. She began working at Hogwarts no later than 1985, and she has seen many of the school’s staff and Aurors stationed at the castle grow from fresh-faced First-Years to the responsible and capable adults they are today.

Occupation: Hogwarts house-elf
Gender: Male
Location: Anywhere in Hogwarts, but mostly the kitchens.
Associations: Gabdey is known to all Hogwarts students, staff, and school Aurors.

Occupation: Hogwarts house-elf
Gender: Female
Location: Anywhere in Hogwarts, but mostly the kitchens.
Associations: Hinkey is known to all Hogwarts students, staff, and school Aurors.
Additional Information: Enjoys Butterbeer and naps in the linen cupboard.