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Isolde Ravenshadow

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:00 pm
by Isolde Ravenshadow
Image Full Name: Isolde Ravenshadow
Age: 31
Birthdate: October 15th
Birthplace & Hometown: Born in London, England. Hogsmeade is her current hometown.
Parents: Henry Ravenshadow, 53, school librarian, Amelia Ravenshadow, 52, school headmistress
Siblings: None
Height/build: 5'5", slender
Hair/eye colour: Dark brown hair, hazel eyes
Any unusual physical attributes: A small crescent-shaped birthmark on her left wrist.
Pet: A tawny-colored owl named Nimbus.
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Relationship Status: Single
Profession: Owner and proprietor of Whimsy's Book Nook
Wand: 11 inches, willow wood, phoenix feather core
Patronus: A graceful swan
Boggart: Her boggart takes the form of a dark, imposing library with all the books blank and unreadable.
Certifications/skills: Mastery of various magical literature and book-related spells. Skilled in brewing calming and relaxation potions.

House: Ravenclaw
Years/dates attended: 1991-1998
Best class: Charms
Worst class: Care of Magical Creatures
Favourite class: Charms
Least favourite class: History of Magic

O.W.L. results:
Charms: O
Transfiguration: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Potions: E
Herbology: O
Care of Magical Creatures: P
Astronomy: A
History of Magic: A
Divination: D
N.E.W.T. results:
Charms: E
Transfiguration: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
Potions: E
Herbology: O
Care of Magical Creatures: P
Astronomy: A
History of Magic: A
Divination: D

Isolde Ravenshadow's history is a tale of enchantment and determination. Born into a Muggle family in London, she exhibited a curious and inquisitive nature from a young age. Her parents, although non-magical, nurtured her love for books and storytelling, filling her childhood with tales of adventure and wonder. However, it wasn't until her eleventh birthday that Isolde received the letter that would forever change her life — an acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hogwarts became a second home to Isolde, and she embraced the magical world with open arms. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, where her insatiable thirst for knowledge found its perfect match. Isolde excelled in her studies, particularly in Charms and Herbology, where her wandwork and green thumb shone brightly. Yet, Divination remained an enigma, its ethereal predictions often eluding her grasp. As the years passed, Isolde's passion for both magic and literature grew, laying the foundation for her future endeavors.

After completing her magical education, Isolde realized her dream by opening Whimsy's Book Nook in the enchanting village of Hogsmeade. The quaint bookstore not only became a beloved part of the community but also a sanctuary for literary enthusiasts of all backgrounds. Isolde's journey from a young Muggle-born witch to the proud owner of her magical haven is a testament to her resilience, love for learning, and unwavering dedication to sharing the magic of books with the world.

Isolde Ravenshadow's love for literature extended beyond the pages of the books she sold at Whimsy's Book Nook. Inspired by her magical experiences and vivid imagination, she embarked on her own writing journey. Under the secret pen name "Luna Starling," she delved into the realm of magical romance, crafting enchanting stories of love, adventure, and forbidden desires. Luna Starling's novels found only in the hidden depths of Isolde's bookstore, became a tantalizing secret within the magical community, known for their captivating tales of passion and enchantment.

But Isolde's creativity didn't stop there. Under the pen name "Selene Whimsy," she penned stories that transcended the magical world, weaving narratives that resonated with both witches and Muggles alike. Her dual identity as both a bookseller and a prolific author added a layer of mystique to her character, as few knew the true identity of these accomplished pen names. Isolde's writing career, like her life, was a balance of magic and reality, and her literary endeavors enchanted readers from all walks of life.

Isolde Ravenshadow possesses a personality as rich and layered as the magical tomes that line the shelves of her bookstore. She is a woman of quiet elegance, often observed with a calm and composed demeanor that reflects her love for books and learning. Her profound knowledge of both the wizarding world and the vast realm of literature lends her an air of wisdom that draws customers and friends alike to seek her counsel. Isolde's patience knows no bounds, especially when guiding visitors to discover the perfect book, be it a spellbinding magical tome or a cherished Muggle classic. She takes great joy in sharing her literary treasures with others, and her warm smile welcomes all who enter her enchanted sanctuary.

Isolde's introverted nature is well-balanced by her genuine affection for meaningful conversations. She may be soft-spoken, but her words are imbued with insight and sincerity. Isolde enjoys engaging with fellow book enthusiasts, relishing the opportunity to delve into the nuances of literature, magic, and life itself. Her creativity knows no bounds, as evidenced by her dual career as both a successful bookseller and an accomplished author under her pen names. Isolde's love for storytelling has kindled the flames of her imagination, and she finds fulfillment in crafting worlds and characters that captivate the hearts of her readers.

Face Claim: Anya Taylor-Joy
OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord