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Game On. OPEN

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 6:10 am
by Colette Descoteaux
Colette let out a slow deep breath and tried her best to ignore the trembling of her body as well as the way her stomach twisted with trepidation as she strode out onto the solemn silence of the empty Quidditch Pitch. If she was wrong about her current interpretation of her vision, then she would, be soon finding herself crossing over to the other side. Yet, she knew in her heart that she was in the end, correct. She had died whilst on the Quidditch Pitch, but not in a manner she originally believed.

It all went back to the day she accompanied a friend from Slytherin House to see the team practice. One of the other girls, also from the same house as her friend took exception to Colette's presence and one prank later, Colette ended up sporting a snazzy dark green stripe of dyed hair. Which, she honestly thought looked pretty great among her dark brown locks. It was only later, when back in the confines of the Ravenclaw dormitory had it hit her. She had not died, but rather had been dyed.

Of course, she did not immediately run with this revelation to anyone from the Ravenclaw team. After all, they might want her to play straight away and Colette honestly doubted her own abilities. Yes, she may have once been a chaser at Beauxbaton, but that felt increasingly as if it were a lifetime ago.

She lack a kit for Hogwarts, but fortunately, a quick Owl to home had her previous kit sent over. It still fit, though it made for a distinctive look compared to the dark blue, dark green, red and yellow of the other Hogwarts teams. Suppressing a shiver, the petite brunette mounted her broom and kicked off from the ground. She stayed low at first, short hops, going slow and steady. Yet, soon she began to pick up speed, her confidence returning.

This was what it meant to be alive. This was existence. She zipped about the pitch, gaining height as she did so. Her and there she paused to try out a few moves, dodges, weaves, the odd loop. Whilst initially performed slowly, these were done with increasing speed and confidence. Her heart pounded in her ears as she came to a halt by one of the goals, chest heaving as she breathed in the cold morning air.

It was good to be back