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Detention (Nixa)

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 10:40 pm
by Quinn Rockwell
Saturday morning, late November, 2005

The school's caretaker met Quinn and Nixa in the Entrance Hall, pushing a wooden custodian cart with an assortment of brooms, mops, mop-buckets, sponges, and rags. After confirming the girls' identities, he led them through a disused wing of the castle, and into a musty, abandoned classroom that seemed to have been neglected for at least a decade. There was an assortment of student desks, some broken, some overturned. There were a few bookcases filled with old books. There were cobwebs all over the massive ceiling joists and all the furniture. There was a curio cabinet that had long since been broken into and looted (there was broken glass on the floor). The floor was so dusty that you could hardly tell it was a hardwood floor, except where some footprints exposed the woodgrain. Some students had left rude messages regarding some teachers on the chalkboard. A rat scurried across the floor and disappeared into a hole in the wall. There were rat droppings scattered all over the floor as well.

"Clean this room from top to bottom," the caretaker said as he parked the custodian cart. "I'll come back later to check on your progress." Without any further instruction, he left the girls to it.

Quinn stepped further into the room to get a better look. After surveying the extent of how much work was ahead of them, she sighed. "This could very well take us a couple hours," she said. "I guess we should sweep the cobwebs from the ceiling first?" It was only the second time she'd been alone with Nixa, after bumping into each other in the burned portion of the Forbidden Forest.

Knowing that they'd be cleaning, Quinn had worn an old T-shirt and a pair of shorts, so she wouldn't get too hot while working or risk ruining her nicer clothes.