Hogwarts Castle

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  • Kitchens
    The kitchens are in the basement, located directly below the Great Hall. The house-elves are always accommodating to students, staff and Aurors looking for a snack, however, there may be a wait; Hogwarts no longer has a full-time kitchen staff.
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    by Rhysln Anderson View the latest post
  • Entrance Hall
    Located on the ground floor of Hogwarts, the Entrance Hall is the well-guarded main entrance to the castle. Many areas can be accessed via the hall, and with plenty of benches, it's a popular area for students and staff to congregate or meet.
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    Last post Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo [Open to …
    by Nova Harte View the latest post
  • Great Hall
    Located on the ground floor off of the Entrance Hall, the Great Hall is the main gathering area in the castle and where students and staff dine three times a day and receive morning owl post. Aurors patrol during meal times and during large events such as balls, or exams.
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  • Staffroom
    Located on the ground floor, the staffroom is guarded by two talking (and occasionally rude) gargoyles, who change the password almost weekly. It is where staff and Aurors can relax in their free time, and with a long table in the middle of the room, where staff meetings are held.
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    by Bishop Santos View the latest post
  • Corridors & Stairs
    There are a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts, including the Grand Staircase, which provides access to all seven floors. Each floor has several corridors that are patrolled by Aurors, and is home to paintings, statues, suits of armour, and secret passages.
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    by Evelyn Darke Goldman View the latest post
  • Library
    Located on the first floor, the library is where staff, students, and Aurors can peruse or check out books. With a quiet atmosphere and plenty of tables and chairs, the library is a popular study area. It is well-guarded by Aurors, who silently patrol up and down the stacks.
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    by Colette Descoteaux View the latest post
  • Classrooms
    The rooms in which the various classes are taught. Each class is taught in a different room, and the location depends on the subject. Lessons can be held in many places, for example, greenhouses, towers, dungeons, the grounds and the forest.
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    Last post Seeds of Romance? (Annabelle)
    by Martin Bishop View the latest post
  • Offices
    The various offices of Hogwarts staff and Aurors. Each office will be in a different location and decorated to the individual’s taste. Every office has chambers attached or nearby that serve as private living quarters.
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  • Common Rooms & Dormitories
    The common rooms are lounge areas where students of the same House can socialize, relax, or do homework. Dormitories and bathrooms branch off of the common rooms, and students are not allowed to leave during curfew hours, which vary depending on the student’s year.
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    by Grace Concord View the latest post
  • Hospital Wing
    The Hospital Wing can be found on the third floor of the castle. It is where students, staff and Aurors go to have their medical needs met. The school Healer’s office and living quarters are attached, so they are always nearby in case of emergencies.
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    by Tatiana Beautero View the latest post
  • Room of Requirement
    The Room of Requirement is a secret room on the seventh floor and only appears when a person is in great need of it. After walking past its location three times, a door will appear and the room will transform itself into whatever the person needs at that moment.
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    Last post History of Magic: When Magic …
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  • Music Room
    Located high up in the Bell Tower, the auditorium-style room's walls are lined with various instruments, music stands, and instrument storage at the top. Three tiered rows of chairs and stands descend to the center of the room to the conductor's podium. It is a popular hangout location for music students.
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    by Anwen Sawyer View the latest post
  • Owlery
    The Owlery, located on the top of a tower, is a large circular stone room. In order for the owls to come and go freely, none of the windows have glass in them; it is one of the coldest rooms in the castle. The floor is strewn with straw, droppings, and mice skeletons.
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    Last post Re: Happy Birthday or whatever. […
    by Trent Innes View the latest post

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