A Harry Potter Play-by-Post RPG

Who's Who?



Interested in joining CTS? If you have already checked out the plot, rules, character availabilities, and face claims, head over to the forum.

1. Create a character account with your character's First and Last name. Middle names/initials are optional.
2. Create an OOC account with the name of your choice.
3. Link your two accounts together (see below for instructions).
4. Go to the Applications forum, create a new thread, and fill out and post the appropriate application:

Once your character application has been moved to the Profiles forum, feel free to start RPing with us by creating new threads, joining existing threads, and plotting with other characters. You can also create plotter and tracker threads for your character in the appropriate forums.

Protecting Your Writing

To avoid losing your work, we recommend writing and saving your draft in an external document, such as Google Docs or a word processor, before pasting it onto the forum. This ensures your work is safe in case of internet disruptions, browser issues, or session timeouts.

Once your post is ready, simply copy and paste it into the forum and hit submit!

Linked Accounts

Link your OOC account to your character account(s).
Go to your User Control Panel and click "Link Account". Fill in the credentials of the account(s) you want to link to.

You can now switch between accounts without having to type anything in.
To switch accounts, click on your account name on the top right corner of the forum and select the other account from the dropdown menu.

You can post as another account without having to log off.
Underneath the textbox where you draft your posts, there is a "Posting as" option. Select your character account from the dropdown menu.