Following Up and Checking In [Tatiana]

The various offices of Hogwarts staff and Aurors. Each office will be in a different location and decorated to the individual’s taste. Every office has chambers attached or nearby that serve as private living quarters.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

Tati smiled at his comment, "Not intentionally but maybe a little… you opened the door." Nodding absently as he continued to explain the psychological side of TJ's presence and its effect, Tati understood precisely what he meant. When he mentioned a rabbit in his office she giggled a bit, "Obviously the clear choice; low commitment but still cuddly and interactive plus they require less physical space than other pets."

To her it was a perfectly reasonable choice for him and his line of work. Watching TJ and Ace, Tati wasn't overly concerned about her companion there; he loved new people and new pets didn't matter what species. Giving a wave in return to Aubrey when he finally appeared she turned her attention back to Aidan and sighed thoughtfully. Someone else she would talk to about day-to-day things? Obviously Bishop came to mind but that defeated the purpose of his question because he was actively part of those deep old wounds she was trying to heal from.

That didn't mean she couldn't talk to him, Tati knew if she really needed to certainly she could talk to him but she considered her other options before another thought came to mind. "Mr Cross… Derek.. I mean. The librarian. We chat frequently and he doesn't seem inclined to pry into my past history." The two of them had a rapport that was relatively easy and it helped they shared a love of discovering mysteries, solving secrets and adventure.

Her gaze shifted briefly checking on TJ and Ace making sure they were still enjoying themselves; though she knew soon enough he'd come back for either a drink or just to touch base with her like he always did. "He is easy to talk with and he provides a different viewpoint on some things I might not have considered." Her head tilted thoughtfully and she turned her attention back to him, "I could reach out to Penny too I suppose. If it's just day-to-day things anyway, I don't want to add to her own difficulties by griping about my own."
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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