Long Time No See [Tatiana]

There is a wide flat lawn across the northern part of the castle grounds. Sloping lawns lead south toward the forest and border the lake. Lawns are also where you can find the Gamekeeper's Hut, greenhouses, vegetable patches, and training grounds.
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Penny Simpson
Player: Nova

Long Time No See [Tatiana]

Post by Penny Simpson »

It was early morning when Penny found herself standing on the lawn, looking up at the castle. It had been a lifetime ago when she was here last. She hadn't even been back in this country in what felt like forever. She took a deep breath before looking down at the dog waiting at her side, "Do you remember this place, Cosmo? You were a lot younger when you were here before," she murmured, reaching down and scratching him behind the ear. Cosmo made a grunt of a sound as he leaned his head into the touch.

She took another deep breath before looking at her watch, "We have some time before the class I'm supposed to be speaking with. How about we go relax?" She smiled down at the dog. She walked over towards a more grassy spot out of the way before sitting down in the grass. She was wearing jeans, a black button-up, and tennis shoes, so she wasn't too worried about getting grass on herself.

Why was she so nervous? She didn't expect to see anyone she knew here, but her father was here... she hadn't spoken to him for probably even longer than the last time she was in England. And to run into him in such an... official capacity... though he had to know she was here, right? Didn't he have to approve these things? She chewed her lip as Cosmo laid down and flopped his head on her lap. He was no therapy dog, but he'd lived with Penny long enough to know her moods and know when she was anxious. She blinked and looked down, "Sorry, buddy," she muttered, starting to pet him with letting out a slow breath.
Every creature, magical or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

TJ had been infinitely patient with her despite Tati having had no patients aside from a few minor injuries to deal with so as soon as she’d been able to step away from her duties she grabbed his harness and leash. She’d laughed at how quickly he cooperated for her to get them on him and headed down the corridor which she’d found the fastest route that led to the lawns by now. And he’d learned the path by heart, if she wasn’t so nervous about letting him off leash in the school proper she might let him just go out on his own but she had to keep to the rules.

Once they reached outside she let him lead TJ knew the way to his favorite spot but as they neared she noticed there was already someone with a dog… but that wasn’t just any dog. “Cosmo...” At first she thought she was seeing things, surely she had to be. Last she’d heard Penny had left England but hadn’t she heard something about a guest speaker today… one of the students had mentioned it hadn’t they? Or was it a professor?
Her attention shifted to the woman sitting with the dog and she immediately knew she wasn’t wrong.

“Penelope?!” While she didn’t quite yell it she raised her voice enough to be heard as she approached the two, TJ thoroughly intrigued by not only another dog but the fact she was greeting and approaching another person so quickly. As she got a bit closer she was absolutely sure who she was seeing and she smiled brightly, her mind flashing back briefly picturing the younger version of the young woman in front of her as she brought TJ to heel next to her leg when she was close enough. "Hello Pen! Hi Cosmo."
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Penny Simpson
Player: Nova

Post by Penny Simpson »

Penny's head snapped up hearing her name, and it took a second longer to realize she recognized the voice that said it. She broke out into a grin as she got up, "Tati!" she beamed, "Oh wow, hi!" she said, putting her hand to her chest. Cosmo looked up at Tati, tail wagging, and gave a bark at her saying his name, "Oh look, Cosmo, a friend your size," she laughed a little noticing TJ and Cosmo gave a snort as if to say he didn't find that funny, "Well excuse me, I thought you might like not being mistaken for dinner for once," Penny shook her head before looking at Tati again with a smile.

"I didn't expect to see you here! I honestly didn't know who all to expect here at all, besides one person who I'm sure I won't actually end up seeing," she waved her hand to say she wouldn't get into it, "I don't think I've seen you since before the world went to hell, how have you been?" she asked, the look in her eyes showing she had her own demons from those years they'd spent apart and she didn't expect her to share hers on a whim, "Maybe that's a loaded question... what brings you back here?" she asked instead.
Every creature, magical or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

She smiled when Penny got up looking just as pleased to see her as well, even going so far as to tease Cosmo. “This is TJ and he likes new friends so I think you two will get on like wildfire.” He was already wiggling all over and just barely containing himself to be left off his leash but he was managing. When Penny commented about not expecting to see her she gave a little shrug, “Truth be told you aren’t far from accurate this was the last place for a long time I wanted to come back too but…”

Shrugging her shoulders a bump against her leg caused her to glance down and she shook her head some chuckling. Leaning down, she unhooked TJ from his harness, finally letting him free to greet Cosmo on his own, trusting him to be on his best behavior. Wrapping the leash around the harness in her hands she gave Penny a little tight smile at her question before she corrected herself and she shook absently, “As for what brings me back… a paycheck. I’m the healer here now.”

She had a sneaking suspicion who she thought Penny didn’t expect to see and she fought to urge to ask why, after all she’d left school before things had gone extremely south at her parents' insistence. Tati didn’t want to pry though knowing they both likely had pains from that time if Pen’s time had been anything like her own she didn’t want to open old wounds, her own were just rescabbing from Bishop’s return to her life. “I am glad to see you. You look… happier than when I saw you last. Though I seem to recall none of us were very happy looking then.”
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Penny Simpson
Player: Nova

Post by Penny Simpson »

Cosmo's tail wagged as TJ came up to him before jumping into a play position and then taking off running. Since Penny hadn't been holding his leash, she sighed, shaking her head, "You'd think he's still a pup," she shook her head.

Penny smirked a bit at the comment about coming back for the paycheck, "Funny enough, I'm here for a similar reason," she said, putting her hands on her hips, "Here to do a lecture with the Care of Magical Creatures class about dragons," she smirked a bit.

She smiled a little at her last statement, "No, most of us were not very happy back then. How do they say it.... shit hit the fan?" she smirked a little, shaking her head, "But I'm glad to see you too, especially in one physical piece," there was a part of what she said that caused her to almost flinch before looking over towards where Cosmo had run to play. She looked back over towards Tati, "Any crazy students giving you a run for that paycheck?" she smirked a little.
Every creature, magical or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

She mentally patted herself on the back when Pen confirmed what she’d suspected, so she was the special guest lecturer today. “I knew I was right on that, glad to see they at least chose one of the best and brightest to come speak.” Oh she imagined it probably had a lot to do with the Headmaster as well but Tati wasn’t going to say it outloud. When Penny’s comment came she mentally flinched at the implication but shrugged it off, she was right in a sense.

Physically at least she was in one piece, it was mentally and emotionally she was still shattered; but she was working on putting the pieces back together there too. At her question she laughed, “The Quidditch kids of course… and a few overachievers in Herbology and Potions. Nothing too bad though, thankfully.” While she could have Tati actively avoided mentioning the worst she’d dealt with yet by way of one Alchemy Professor protecting his student from a disaster.

No she didn’t need to mention Bishop to Pen, she’d never hear the end of it. “How long will you be staying? Maybe we can have dinner to catch up properly?” Her attention shifted briefly to the two dogs seemingly having a wonderful time playing chase and tag with each other. “And those two can keep each other company for a bit longer.”
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Penny Simpson
Player: Nova

Post by Penny Simpson »

Penny laughed a little, "Oh I dunno, I think it's more one of the few people to have a dragon as a pet and it not be constantly trying to eat them," she said, shaking her head, "But I was coming into town anyways to do a sort of workshop of sorts and the professor asked if I'd stop in," she sighed a little, looking up towards the towers, "I know he knows I'm here, he had to sign off on it, but well... it's whatever," she shook her head and put her hand to her necklace for a moment before looking at Tati as she answered her question.

She laughed at her talking about the students, "Well that's good. Hopefully we didn't jinx that for your benefit," she said, lightly patting her on the shoulder, "I'll be in town for a bit, so we can for sure catch dinner," she smiled at her, "Though I don't know how long. I've got someone else taking care of Drakon while I'm away, but Drakon is a momma's boy and probably won't let me stay gone long before becoming a terror.... literally," she made a face, "Dragons," she sighed like she was talking about a child then shrugged, "But yeah, I'm sure Cosmo's glad to not be snack-sized for once."

Penny looked over towards the front of the school, catching movement in the corner of her eyes and then her eyes went a bit wider, "Nuh uh," she said before looking at Tati, "Oh you sneaky little thing," she smirked, "You were going to hide it, huh?" she nodded towards Bishop, who was coming out of the school, a satchel in hand, going towards the gamekeeper's. He seemed to be focused and perhaps a bit tense, his brows drawn down, though Penny thought she saw the tail end of a link of chains in the satchel, "When we do dinner, he's coming too," she smirked at her friend, putting her hands on her hips.
Every creature, magical or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

Laughing as she explained about having someone dragon-sitting Tati nodded, “Larger moderately more dangerous dogs where their chosen person is concerned. I hope he behaves himself for whomever you have watching him so you can enjoy your visit without too much worry.” Though it was a moot point, she knew Pen would likely worry about her dragon. She wouldn’t be as good as she was if she didn’t and Tati understood that better than most.

When her gaze shifted past her and caught something, Tati’s gaze shifted too and the moment she saw Bishop she wished she could crawl into a hole before Pen’s attention came back to her. She did her level best to look unbothered, “What? Did you not do your research on the new staff? Bishop is the new Alchemy Professor, he just started a little while ago.” Maybe if she spun it that way, that she was just as taken by surprise at his appearance as Pen was in her not mentioning his presence she might give her a break.

But of course not and when Pen insisted he join them for dinner she sighed, “I make no promises, Pen. But I will mention it to him if I run into him.” She knew she likely would but she couldn’t promise Bishop would be receptive, still knowing her luck he would agree to dinner to catch up with Pen as well and she’d never hear the end of it from the other woman.

Her almost relaxed demeanor had nearly completely vanished now but she didn’t call TJ back rather she let him enjoy playing with his new friend, choosing instead to redirect the conversation back to something she’d rather discuss. “Is it just the one class or will you be doing a few lectures? Might want to sneak in and listen for old times sake.”
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Penny Simpson
Player: Nova

Post by Penny Simpson »

"I mostly have to worry about him trying to take off and find where I am and a bunch of Muggles seeing him," Penny sighed a little, rubbing the back of her neck, "He takes plenty care of himself otherwise."

When Tati avoided her accusations, she just smirked and raised a brow, her look saying she didn't buy that for a second, "Alright, alright," she waved her hand, "You know I'll sus it out, either way," she mused.

"Well, I've got this one lined up for today, but I've also got a sort of workshop I was hoping to do in Hogsmeade. I've done it a few times in small villages and such, trying to weed out the fear and disrespect towards magical creatures... I hope one day to be able to do it in Diagon Alley and then the Ministry, but they're not keen on being told they're wrong," she sighed, shaking her head, "Not saying I'm not beyond getting my time under false pretenses, but I wish they'd just hear me out."

She glanced towards the dogs, but not like she was looking at them, but like she was hearing something else, then shook her head as if in response to a question, then looked back towards Tati, "How long have you had TJ? He's a doll," she smiled.
Every creature, magical or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

She shook her head at her comment, [color=#7642D] “There’s nothing to suss out, Pen. Honest.”[/color] Tati figured she would be terribly disappointed that things were still the way they were before but if she only knew even that was a change as well. That wasn’t hers to tell though, Tati would never willingly divulge Bishop’s condition least of all without his permission. A bump against her leg drew her attention down briefly to TJ knowing precisely what he wanted and she conjured his ball with a command and her wand before she threw it for him.

“Well for everyone’s sakes I hope they see the error of their ways and allow you to do such, it would be incredibly helpful in the long run for certain.” She understood what it was Pen was trying to do and respected it a great deal if only others understood as well, perhaps at least one part of her friend’s chosen field wouldn’t be quite so difficult. Her question about TJ brought a smile as he returned with his ball and she tossed it again, “Be sure to let Cosmo catch it sometimes too, TJ…”

Turning her attention back to Pen she smiled, “About 3 years now. I adopted him and then it took about a year to get him fully trained and certified as a service dog.” It had been a lot of work on both their parts but TJ had shown he was willing to work, so Tati had carried on with him. Watching him and Cosmo play around she smiled, “He’s been a huge help for me especially… coming back here.” Of course so was Bishop’s presence, though she wouldn’t say such out loud she was more than a little curious as to what he was up to when they’d seen him walking off towards the Gamekeeper’s hut.
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Penny Simpson
Player: Nova

Post by Penny Simpson »

Penny looked at her when she talked about how TJ was a huge help with her coming back to the school, "What does your evening look like?" she asked, "Maybe we hit up the Broomsticks and get something a bit stronger than a Butterbeer," she smirked a little, then shrugged, "This place has its scars and the scars it left on us," she murmured, "But I think it'll take some effort to keep those scars from festering," she turned and looked up at the building, squinting a little.

After a moment, Cosmo came trotting up, panting heavily and flopping at Penny's feet, "Ha! Old man finally had to give in," she said, bending down to pet him on his exposed stomach, "Can't keep up, huh?" she laughed a little at his huff before looking up at her with a smirk, "Don't think he's worn himself out since Drakon learned he could fly... or maybe when he learned about breathing fire," she hummed a little in thought, "I did bring a hatchling if you're curious," she gave a conspiratorial look.
Every creature, magical or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

When she suggested Broomsticks, Tati looked thoughtful; it wasn’t a huge ask but there was the problem about something stronger than Butterbeer. She absently worried her bottom lip for a moment before she gave a little smile, “I’ll come keep you company while you drink, I don’t…” No she hadn’t drank since her twenty-first birthday when she’d done so alone recalling the promises she and Bishop had made to celebrate together. That had just been a whole night of bad decisions and when she’d recovered from the hangover she’d sworn to never drink again.

Watching as Cosmo wandered over and flopped she laughed softly leaning down to pet him as well, “Don’t be too hard on him… TJ tends to have boundless energy and only gets more when he makes new friends, it recharges him somehow.” It surprised her none that he was still roaming and playing around on his own, he’d learned how to just enjoy being off leash and outside when she was obviously calm. Straightening up she head tilted a bit not at all hiding the smile curling at the corners of her lips, “Of course I am… an animal is an animal, doesn’t matter to me what species.”

Surely she hadn’t changed that much and she absently rested her hands on her hips, “Do you really think that would change? Out of everything… that would be like Bi…” She immediately cut herself off and waved it off, nope she wasn’t going there. It was bad enough Penny knew he was here and wanted him to join them, Tati knew as soon she realized nothing had changed she’d never hear the end of it. Crossing her arms absently she sighed as TJ approached, sitting next to her and leaning against her leg panting. “Time for a drink then?” Pulling out her wand she conjured a dish of water at his feet and one for Cosmo too before giving her a smile, “Least I can do since TJ exhausted him.”
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Penny Simpson
Player: Nova

Post by Penny Simpson »

Penny caught that trail off and nodded in understanding, not going to push her into it. Though when Tati caught herself when chastising her about thinking she'd changed that much and help up her hands, "Apologies," she said before she conjured the water for them. Cosmo gave a grateful little woof before getting up and starting to drink water.

Penny stood and gave a shrill whistle, looking towards the woods, "I had it staying the forest so it could wander and feed as it needed to and not freak people out. It's still pretty young though, small as cat," she said. Sure enough a fluttering critter with glittering opalescent scales, flying over and landing on her shoulder as she held an arm out, wrapping its tail around her arm. Its scales were a pearly white with an iridescent shine, its eyes multicolored but pupil-less. It made a purring like sound as it looked towards the dogs, tilting its head. Cosmo looked up at it, gave a snort of disinterest and looked back to his water.

"Thiiis is Aurelian. He's an Antipodean Opaleye from New Zealand. They're more docile, so I'd figured he'd be a safe bet. Drakon is already jealous," she laughed, petting the small dragon, turning it towards Tati, "You can pet him, he won't bite. I've been working on his exposure to sounds and stuff so this wouldn't be hard on him."
Every creature, magical or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

She stopped herself from telling Penny there was nothing to apologize for, she didn't know the truth but instead Tati let it go. Giving both the dogs some water was an easy enough task before her attention shifted sharply when Penny whistled and watched as the smaller dragon flew towards the other woman landing on her shoulder. "Oh Merlin… it's beautiful Pen. It will still grow up to be a big dragon though won't it?"

It took little other than her friend's reassurance it was safe to pet that Tati extended a hand up; making sure the little dragon was able to sniff at her, for no other reason than its own permission before she gave its head a little gentle stroke. Giggling some at what she'd said about her other dragon Tati nodded, "I can imagine he's not pleased but I'm sure you make up for it with him." That was something that didn't change no matter the species she felt, no first baby was happy about an addition even if on some level they understood.

Perhaps in time Drakon would adjust and learn his place in Penny's life would never change but Tati had seen it happen with everything from regular to magical creatures. TJ bumped against her leg startling her a bit and she glanced down watching as he glanced between her and the small dragon on Penny's shoulder, "Not sure if he or she'd be up to being friends with you yet buddy… that's up to Penny." Turning her attention back to her friend she smiled absently, "The kids will be thrilled to see your little friend here. They always hear about them once they are big and dangerous, not when they are small and cute."
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Penny Simpson
Player: Nova

Post by Penny Simpson »

"Yeah, though not nearly as big as Drakon, but certainly bigger than what one might consider a house pet," Penny laughed lightly, shaking her head. Aurelian sniffed her hand before making a sort of chirping sound and then practically purred at being pet, closing its eyes, "And yeah, I try and spoil him a little extra after working with Aurelian so he doesn't end up trying to turn him into a snack," she laughed again.

When TJ butted in, she smirked, "Oh, he's already on Cosmo's last nerve," she said, and as if understanding the conversation, Aurelian jumped down onto the back of the golden, who gave a huff of annoyance but didn't shake him off. Aurelian turned his attention to TJ, leaning toward him to sniff at him, little frills popping up around its jaw. He then squeaked as Cosmo shook him off for using claws to balance himself on his back, snorting. Aurelian chattered at him before sitting on the ground and looking back at TJ.

"That was the hope," Penny said, putting her hands on her hips, watching the critters at their feet, "If all you've ever heard is to fear something, how would you ever know anything different? Drakon would terrify most, but I think even grown, Aurelian will be easier to show to people since he's got that weird majestic sort of look to him," she added before looking to Tati, "At the very least, I won't be sending any students to you today, even if he does bite them. His teeth are small, so it would be about the same as a cat bite."
Every creature, magical or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.
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