Hogwarts' Secrets [Tatiana]

The Hospital Wing can be found on the third floor of the castle. It is where students, staff and Aurors go to have their medical needs met. The school Healer’s office and living quarters are attached, so they are always nearby in case of emergencies.
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Hogwarts' Secrets [Tatiana]

Post by Derek Cross »

Derek had been doing research during his time in the library since students mostly knew what they needed in there. He helped the younger years more than the older ones, though there were a few students who had been transferred in that he would have to assist as well- and some were testing his being a polyglot. He'd come across something about a room under the library itself and before he was going to investigate, he thought he'd get the help of someone who said they were just as interested in the secrets of the school.

He knocked on the door to the Hospital Wing before stepping inside, looking around, "Tatiana?" he called out, "It's Derek. I've got some info I think you'll find rather interesting," he added, staying by the door so as to not invade her space. He was rather excited to check this out, though, considering it was something that one had to go through the restricted section to reach. He put his hands in his pockets but rocked a bit as he waited to see if she was there or available.
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

Glancing up when she heard the door open Tati found herself hoping and dreading it was an injury. Which was terrible and funny at the same time. Dreading it because well obviously she was a healer she didn’t want anyone to be harmed but hoping because she had never been so bored… well no she had been. When she’d been recovering in the hospital, true she’d not physically had the energy to do much of anything but that didn’t do much for her mental energy once she’d recovered actual rest wise.

So when Derek’s voice called out and he appeared a moment later she popped her head up from where she’d been resting it on her desk, “Derek?” TJ of course was already up and moving at the sound of his voice practically trotting around her desk and into the main room where he was, tail wagging happily at the sight of him. Standing up she made her way in his direction as well smiling and shaking her head at the dog, “Info I’ll find interesting?” At this point she’d probably find anything interesting she was quite sure but considering he was the librarian she was certain he meant something genuinely interesting.

Pausing she folded her hands in front of her glancing down at TJ after she was sure he’d gotten enough of a greeting, “Alright sir.. That’s quite enough, behave or back to bed with you.” She fully expected the snort she got but after a moment TJ circled them both once before making his way back into her small office space and flopped down onto his bed. Shaking her head she turned her attention back to him, “I am all ears, today has been dreadfully slow.”
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Post by Derek Cross »

When TJ came out to greet him, Derek grinned and bent down to pet the pup, "Well hi to you too, TJ," he chuckled. When he went to lay back down, he stood up straight and looked at Tatiana, "I found some info about a chamber somewhere in the school in a book buried deep in the restricted section, and it turned out, with some more digging, that chamber is underneath the library itself. I think I know where it's at, buuuut I remembered our little chat and thought I'd come and see if you wanted to explore with me under the library to find this hidden chamber," he smirked a bit, putting his hand on his sides, "The archeologist in me is dying to go, but it's always more fun to find these kinds of things with someone just as interested," he said, grinning now.

He could always asked Declan, he had gone to sites with him before, but he remembered talking to her about this and didn't want to invite them both in case Declan made her uncomfortable. He was polite, but he didn't always tend to mind boundaries.
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

Tati was hard pressed to hold back her gasp of surprise and excitement when he mentioned that not only had he found info about a secret chamber but that he’d discovered it’s location. “Under the library, you’re sure?” She just managed to keep it out of her tone but it slipped a little as she clasped her hands together in front of her. It was easier to contain her energy that way and not make a fool out of herself by bouncing on her heels like she was a child.

“Well I’d be a fool to say no after all I did say I’d be willing to explore with you. And since it is within the school grounds, it isn’t too much of a worry should something go array with a student.” Glancing at the schedule she turned her attention back to him after a moment and smiled, “When were you thinking we would go on this little adventure?” She’d have to have time to change and put up TJ of course so if he wanted to go now she’d have to move quickly but she doubted he would come just spring it on her last moment. He’d done this before so she hoped if nothing else Derek was a man with a plan at least where this little adventure was concerned anyway.
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Post by Derek Cross »

Derek nodded, smiling as he saw her trying to contain herself, "Whenever you're available," Derek said, "My schedule is far more flexible, considering most of them know how to use the library pretty well by now and my charms and such have been tested and proven to keep order in there while I'm away," he chuckled a little, shaking his head, "I've already got some backup lanterns and such set up in the restricted section in case there's anything in there that interferes with a basic lumos, though I need to find my old satchel to keep whatever we find tucked away until we get the chance to examine it closer," he said. He ran his hand over his beard a bit as he thought, his brows furrowing a bit but then he shook his head, "Just let me know when you want to go, and I'll be ready," he grinned.
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

Listening to how he’d already gotten most everything prepared, Tati smiled and nodded, not at all surprised at how ahead of things he was before he’d even come to tell her. “Well I should be done with things here soon..” Looking thoughtful she mentally went over what she could bring along that would be useful besides herself of course. Considering the time she nodded absently, “I just need time to see to TJ before I am free.”

It wasn’t as if she would be needed much longer in the hospital wing anyway, if she was needed she’d be summoned outside of normal school hours. As far as she could recall that was really all she had to consider for so long it was just TJ and herself after all. Focusing her attention back on him she smiled faintly, “I can meet you in the library in an hour?” That she felt would be sufficient time to handle what she needed to and change into clothing more appropriate for doing some exploring.

Thankfully she kept a travel kit packed for Quidditch games, just in case of minor injuries that could be treated pitch side. It would at least, she hoped handle anything they might happen upon if nothing else, though she did hope they would happen upon nothing injury wise. Even as she was mentally going over said travel kit there was something else pinging her brain, something trying to point out other potential issues that might come up in her absence namely in the form of a recently reestablished friendship but her mind wasn’t focusing on that at all or that would even be an issue.
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Post by Derek Cross »

"Perfect, it gives me time to go through my things to find the bag I need. I will wait for you by the Restricted Section. Or you can, if you get there first," he chuckled a bit, "Until then!" he gave a two-finger salute as he backed up and headed back out of the hospital wing, humming a bit as he went.

After about an hour, Derek was standing by the gate to the restricted section of the library, a bag slung across his shoulders, his wand jutting out of a pocket in the front of it. He was wearing some loose-fitted jeans and a long-sleeved tee shirt now, a bit more prepared for potentially getting a bit messy in a hidden spot under the library. He glanced around, looking to see if there were any students left in the library, but it seemed most had retired for the evening. But something told him the library wasn't completely empty.
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

Once he was gone Tati went to work finishing up quickly the last few things she needed to take care of before she left the office, passing off the monitoring of the ward to the other healer. Returning to her quarters with TJ she quickly prepared his dinner allowing him to eat before she took him out for his evening walk and returned to put him to bed. “I know it’s a little early tonight but I’ll feel better knowing you are safely resting here while we go exploring.” Gathering up her travel medical kit and her wand; Tati quickly threw on some old clothes that were well worn and old cloak that had likely seen better days before leaving her quarters.

Dinner could wait until she was back besides she’d had a late lunch anyway so hungry hadn’t even hit her yet. Making her way to the library she smiled politely as she passed a few students before entering and heading towards the restricted section like he’d said. Derek had said she could wait for him but she wasn’t surprised to spot him waiting for her, bringing a faint amused smile to her face. ‘Looks like someone is even more eager than I am to see what it is you’ve found.’ Slipping the bag over her head to hang across her body she stopped near him, “Ready as I’ll ever be, let’s see what you’ve found Derek.”
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Post by Derek Cross »

Derek looked over as she approached him, then grinned at what she said, "Fantastic," he said, rubbing his hands together, "It's been a while since I've gotten to do anything like this, so pardon my excitement," he chuckled before turning and opening the gate into the restricted section. He led her towards the stairs that led down below and picked up a couple of lanterns, handing on to her, "I know a simple Lumos could do the trick, but why waste energy on a light when this works just as well," he said as he lit the oil wicks for them both.

Once she had a lit lantern, he smirked a little, "Hope you're not claustrophobic. If things get too iffy for you down there, let me know and we'll come back," he said the second part more seriously, "I seriously do not know what we're going to find, there were only a few pieces that mentioned this supposed room, so if you're unsure, probably best we wait or just don't poke the bear," he picked up his lantern and turned towards the stairs, taking a few steps down, but hesitating enough to let her think of what he said and make a choice.
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

Tati laughed softly despite herself at his enthusiasm before he was guiding her towards the restricted section gate. Taking one of the offered lanterns she smiled, “Thank you and it’s fine. I much prefer doing things the simpler way when it comes to such things, magic should be saved.” Allowing him to light hers she carefully closed the glass to keep the flame safe and shook her head. She wasn’t at all claustrophobic, if she had been it would have been a far greater problem in her life than now.

“Understandable. I will let you know if I feel uncomfortable at any time, I think I might surprise you though.” It had been a long time since she’d been able to really test herself, longer still since she’d felt whole enough to do so but thanks to the hard work with Dr Blackwood she was certainly working her way there. It helped Derek had found the one thing she couldn’t shy away from, her own curious nature and desire to discover something new.

Following after him she felt her heart actually settle into an oddly calm rhythm whereas it had been racing earlier which told her she was ready to go on this particular adventure, it had been a long time coming. “As a little girl I used to dream of finding some lost place here at the school…and now here I am so many years later possibly doing precisely that, it’s quite refreshing to finally be checking that off the list.”
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Post by Derek Cross »

Derek smiled hearing she was okay with the light and nodded with the logic. As he reached the lower level of the restricted section, he looked around for a candelabra on the wall. The bottom level was mostly artifacts or books that were especially unsafe to have accessible to students, so his charms were stronger here in case they managed to get past the first ones. He didn't want anyone getting into something that could get them hurt.

He felt around the candelabra, humming a bit, "The book I found mentioned that one of the lights in here was a switch, and I've tested most of the others. Something about this one just made me feel like..." he stopped talking before feeling something that made him grin, "I'm getting good at that," he mused before stepping back and grabbing the base of the light fixture. As he gave it a firm yank down, there was a clanking sound in the wall. The wall slid back, revealing a steep stairwell that led down in a circle. There were no lights in the stairwell but he could certainly see cobwebs.

"I'll go first, just so any spiders or critters end up on me," he said to her, looking over to confirm she was okay with that, "According to what I've read, about halfway down these stairs that apparently leads into some old chambers and tunnels, there's a room that was sealed off in the founding years of Hogwarts. One thinks it was just closed because part of the room collapsed, another claims there's some hefty information about the school and the founders inside, things the history books declined to add," he said as an explanation before starting to go down the stairs, "I have a hope and an inkling that there's more than just that in there if there is that kind of information in there."
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

She smiled and giggled some when he explained his line of thought before he pulled the fixture on the wall and she heard the click as well before the wall slid back. “You certainly are,” Tati was genuinely impressed but then again he’d had a lot of time and research to figure these things out or at least get a clue as to where to look. She wasn’t going to say as much though instead giving a nod at his explanation of what he believed they’d find as she followed behind him.

“If that’s really what is down here that would be truly incredible, I’d imagine something undiscovered from the founding years would be supremely rare of a find given how long the school has been occupied.” His comment about hope made her smile absently, “Isn’t that always the hope? To find something unexpected.” Well something unexpected and not harmful at least was the hope. It was odd how unafraid she was as she descended the steps behind him guided by the lantern light she held.

“We heard about Potter and his friends finding the chamber of secrets well after the fact of course… I wonder if perhaps each of the founders had a chamber like Salazar had?” Once she’d researched it and had the thought, it had been gnawing at her so this was actually solving one of her own personal mysteries from her time at the school whether he’d intended to do so or not. Tati stopped when he had blue eyes peeking past his form to see what might lie ahead of them or what had caused him to stop. “What is it?”
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Post by Derek Cross »

Derek held up the lantern looking at the different carvings on the wall, "Trying to remember..." he mused, "The notes I found were few and far between and referred to the room as "The Crypt"," he explained, before swinging the lantern to look at a chamber off to the side that seemed to slowly starting to glow the longer they stood there, "Well this looks promising," he mused before stepping into it. Around the mostly empty space he entered, there were runes of stone adorning the walls, each different and all glowing softly, illuminating the space.

"And this is why I love magical sites like these," Derek beamed as he looked over at her, "I do believe we've a puzzle on our hands, Miss Beautero," he said before looking around.

Upon entering the space, Tati would find the runes were in a somewhat random-looking pattern across one wall along with the ones hanging around. If she were to look closer, she'd find some were slightly protruding from the wall, like a button waiting to be pressed. And at the base of the far wall was an inscription of sorts.

"Somehow it seems so fitting to put these kinds of things in an ancient room under a school," he mused, smirking.
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

She blinked following his light on the wall before the symbols began to glow causing her to gasp a little as she followed behind him, “It seems we do… now what does it mean..?” Moving along she didn’t touch the runes but she traced them in the air with her finger, trying to remember what each one meant. Grumbling softly under her breath she sighed, “Why oh why didn’t I take Ancient Runes?” Frowning she continued to look at the wall moving her light around noting how the runes responded to the light, she chuckled at his comment about it being fitting.

“It does, doesn’t it? Leave it to them to include puzzles that require classes taught here.This inscription… .” She squatted down, head tilting this way and that trying to make out what the inscription said but it was faded. “Care to lend a hand? I’d hate to translate this wrong and end up triggering a trap.. Or worse.” While Tati wasn’t sure what ‘worse’ could be but knowing Hogwarts and the founders, she didn’t want to find out in that sense.

Better to just prove themselves capable of figuring out the puzzles in her mind, surely the two of them could figure it out it was no different than working through a puzzle on.. Tati snapped her finger, “Paper and charcoal… I assume you brought some? I think if we can trace the inscription it might be easier to read.” It was a start if nothing else she felt.
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Post by Derek Cross »

"I know a good bit of runes that I've picked up from sites, but the question is whether or not these are the same," Derek mused as he looked around the room, setting the lantern in the middle so the light was equally distributed through the room. He was investigating one of the protruding ones as she looked at the inscription and turned as she asked for him to lend a hand.

As he was coming, she snapped and asked for the paper and charcoal. He dug in his bag and produced them, handing them to her as he reached her, "Always prepared for any cool finds," he chuckled before kneeling to look at the inscription, squinting a little to try and read it. He silently used a spell to try and clear off some of the layers of dust and dirt, then used a lumos. Yes they had the lanterns, but she made a good point about triggering traps. Best to see as best as they could while trying to read and translate it.

"I can make out some of it," he said, "First line is... In shadows deep....and history keep...history's? where secrets lie and whispers keep," he said slowly as he read the glowing letters, "That must be referring to the crypt," he said, "Middles a bit difficult to make out but that charcoal rubbing ought to help... though the second to last line starts, "Beware haste" so you're definitely right about taking our time with this," he said, "How exciting," he chuckled.
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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Tatiana Beautero
Player: Grim

Post by Tatiana Beautero »

"Thank you," the comment came naturally as he handed her the paper and charcoal she'd asked for. Head tilting absently as he translated the runes, Tati knew she'd have to take his word for it as she'd never taken runes nor happened to pick up reading them in the years since she finished school. "One of these days I really should learn to read these, who knows when it could come in helpful."

Tati was careful in the way she positioned herself as she reached out to touch around the area that needed to be rubbed. Who knew if there were any potential triggers or something that might be accidentally touched? As he finished up his translation and commented she giggled some too, "Slow and steady is wiser especially in cases like this…"

Placing the paper against the area she used a light hand in order to avoid picking up too much extra other than simply the runes themselves. She made sure she got the section as well as possible before she peeled the paper off the wall and offered it to him, "Here's hoping this fills in the blank and we can figure the riddle out fully." Her mind was already going over what he'd translated of it already but without the missing spots it was coming up blank as to what it might mean or be asking for.
“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”
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Derek Cross
Player: Nova

Post by Derek Cross »

"I learned a thing or two from context clues when traipsing through ancient places," Derek said, "Then studied them in detail between digs so I wouldn't accidentally get someone hurt or killed on sites," he added before taking her rubbings, "Thank you," he said before looking at it, holding it towards the light so he could see it clearer, "Alright, let's see what all this says. Someone was chatty, though."

"In shadows deep and history's keep, where secrets lie and whispers sleep,
The path unfolds for those who seek, through ancient script and wisdom's speak.
Align the runes, the past's embrace, to unveil the passage hidden in grace.
Each rune's place a story told, of magic bold and truths of old.
Beware the haste that leads astray, for patience paves the wiser way.
In order, harmony you'll find, unlocking doors once bound by time."

"Well, that's not entirely helpful. At least, not in a way that didn't already make sense," he said before looking up at the other runes, "The runes on the wall tell a story... Let's see if we can figure out what it is," he rolled it up, and as the runes began to glow a little brighter, it would be clearer that they were more symbol than word. There were animals and items, such as a lion, a cup, a snake, a sword, a badger, an eagle, a locket, and a raven. There were a few others as well, but they were less clear, some even chipped from age, "What do you think?" he asked her, already starting to form a picture of his own, but wanted to let her have a chance to explore it too.
Every book has a story to tell, and it's our job to uncover its secrets.
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