Waldrada Cromwell

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Waldrada Cromwell

Waldrada Cromwell

Post by Waldrada Cromwell »



Waldrada is either dearly loved by others or detested -- no in-between. She is a lot of fun to be around and makes for a great listener, but she is also quite private. She's a master of appearing social and extroverted while revealing little to nothing about herself. She is likely good friends with her fellow professors, and anyone she may have worked alongside during her time as an Auror (roughly from years 1979-2001).

She can be a bit sardonic and sarcastic, and loves witty banter. It's not everyone's cup of tea -- her humor is dry and intellectual so she can come across as a bit aloof. Would love to see her in some threads with her colleagues at Hogwarts, or develop some history between her and anyone who used to work with her potion maker husband (he's passed away)/work with her as an Auror.


If Waldrada has enemies, she is blissfully unaware of it. Between her daughter, Katie, getting attacked/developing a disorder and losing her husband to werewolves, she has been focused on keeping herself and what's left of her family together. She rarely concerns herself with other peoples' opinions of her these days, however I'm down to plot some previous bad blood from when she was a student/Auror! She's a sweetheart but is cutthroat -- when push comes to shove, Waldrada does not hesitate to defend herself/do her job. Even if it means magical combat.

Business Contacts:
-Staff at Hogwarts
-MoM employees
-Hogwarts graduates from the years 1971-1978

Her focus isn't on love or any intimate relationships right this second -- she was widowed only a few years ago. However, she is known to engage in an occasional fling to distract herself from how lonely she gets to be. As a player, I'm open to developing something here. She is quite avoidant though, so be warned.

-Maternal/protective student-professor relationships
-Romance/flings (perhaps someone she went to Hogwarts with!)
-unfinished business from when she was an Auror -- I'm sure she rubbed several people the wrong way
-I'm open to anything, really, these are just some ideas!
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Ethan Forrester
DADA | Head of Ravenclaw
DADA | Head of Ravenclaw
Player: Fox

Post by Ethan Forrester »

Ethan is an ex-Auror on the Hogwarts staff, though ten years younger. They may have known each other or worked together occasionally. Currently he's investigating an incident that resulted in a large portion of the Forbidden Forest getting burned to the ground a few months back. Maybe they could look for clues together.
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