A Cry for Help [Resevered for Trent Innes]

There are a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts, including the Grand Staircase, which provides access to all seven floors. Each floor has several corridors that are patrolled by Aurors, and is home to paintings, statues, suits of armour, and secret passages.
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

A Cry for Help [Resevered for Trent Innes]

Post by Isobel Evans »

3 September 2005, 10pm

Sleep wasn't coming for Isobel easily tonight. She had a lot on her mind with everything that was happening in her life. Her father's shop wasn't doing all that well and despite her brothers best efforts to promote the business it was still a struggle day to day. Granted, Isobel did what she could to help out when she could, she often had summer jobs to help pay the bills in the household. She promised herself as soon as she graduated she was going to become a great witch and help her family out even more.

She was sitting up in bed with a book in her lap reading. It was a common occurrence for her. A lot of the times she stayed up later than her dormmates to read. Tonight was different though, as she was reading she hears a faint sound of a scream. No, not not a scream, a cry for help. It was one of the thestrals. She knew that someone would probably hear it eventually but what if it were too late by the time they heard it. She threw her feet over the side of her bed and slipped her shoes on. The book slide from her lap and she placed it on the bedside stand.

I'm coming little one! she thought in her head as she grabbed her coat from the rack by the door. She made her way through the common room and out the portrait before looking around to make sure no one was around. She was well aware, even though her intentions were good, if she were to get caught she would lose her house points and would be serving detention. She bit into her lip as she made her way quietly though the halls trying not to make a sound.

But even with her stealthy ways she heard footsteps from down the hall. She was going to be caught! She panicked as this wasn't something she normally did. She was a good student and good girl but she couldn't leave that animal to suffer. The footsteps sounded closer and closer. She didn't know what to do, she would surely be caught!
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

After a summer apart, Trent and Simone's picnic by the Lake lasted well into the night. Before they knew it, it was ten o'clock and past Simone's curfew; as a seventh-year, Trent was permitted to stay out until eleven. Simone had been furious with Trent for keeping her out past her curfew (as if it was his fault and his fault alone) and it was only after Trent had walked her back into the castle and up to Ravenclaw tower without being caught that she had forgiven him.

After the door to the Ravenclaw common room closed behind Simone, Trent checked his watch and began his descent down the spiral staircase. He had thirty minutes until he needed to be in the Slytherin common room, and though the idea to break curfew was always tempting, he decided against it tonight. It was only the third day of term, and with one detention already under his belt, Trent felt he better not push his luck any further tonight.

Hating to waste one minute of his freedom, Trent did not hurry to the Slytherin common room, but walked slowly through the corridors. Still not used to this extended curfew and feeling slightly on edge, Trent jumped in alarm when he rounded a corner and found himself face-to-face with another person. It was only another student, however, a pyjama-clad Gryffindor girl whose name he did not know. "I thought you were an Auror," he breathed, then laughed softly at the realization that even if she were, he hadn't been breaking any rules. Not yet, anyway.

Trent quickly checked his watch again - ten minutes to go - then looked back at the girl. She wore a panicked expression, as though she thought that he too, was an Auror. He opened his mouth to say something comforting, but then he heard it too: more footsteps, and they were approaching quickly. Without thinking, and not entirely sure why he was helping a girl he did not know, Trent grabbed her hand. "Quick, in here," he said, pulling her into a nearby broom cupboard and quietly closing the door behind them.

"Lumos," Trent whispered into the darkness, holding his wand aloft to light up the small room. Holding a finger to his lips, Trent listened as the footsteps grew louder as whomever they belonged to approached their hiding space.
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

Panic struck Isobel like a punch to the gut. She knew she wasn't supposed to be out past curfew but the calls of the animal in need got the better of her. Now she felt trapped and if she got caught she knew no one would be understanding. She would lose house points and probably be given detention. She hadn't been in trouble since starting school and she certainly didn't want to start now.

The person rounded the corner and she came face to face with an older Slytherin boy, not just any boy either. It was Trent Innes, a boy her brother had warned her about. His reputation preceded him. She jumped and let out a soft yelp of surprise. "Sorry, I thought you were as well." she let out a soft sigh now knowing it had only been another student that she had heard. As it were, she had no time for chit chat she was on a mission and had to find the animal that been crying in the night.

Her eyes widened again as she heard distant footsteps yet again. The panic struck her again and she looked to the boy. She wasn't sure why she looked to him, he was in no trouble as of yet but she would have been. He quickly grabbed her hand and led her into a broom cupboard and closed the door. It was rather dark and slightly awkward. But it would save her from detention. Their hands were still linked when she stepped back against the wall of the cupboard and let out a breath.

She gripped his hand tighter instinctively as the footsteps approached their hiding spot. She held her breath for the short moment as they passed by the cupboard and disappeared down the hall. She sighed letting out the breath she had been holding. "I....don't know how to thank you. I would have been caught for sure." She offered him a small smile before reality set in. "Oh! I have to get to the grounds, there is an animal crying out for help..." But she couldn't get past the boy that stood near the door to the entrance of the cupboard.
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

Listening at the door, Trent hadn’t realized that he was still holding the girl's hand until she gave it a frightened squeeze as the footsteps stopped just outside of the closet. With his back safely turned, Trent allowed a slight smirk to play on his lips as he gave a squeeze back. He didn't release her hand, not even after the footsteps started again and died away. He heard her let out a long sigh of relief, and Trent turned around to face her, all traces of a once cocky smile gone and replaced with a look of polite curiosity.

Standing so closely together in the small broom cupboard, Trent realized that she was much shorter than him and he had to look down to see her face which was illuminated by his wand. Trent didn't say anything, in fact, he barely listened as she spoke. He was looking at her, wondering vaguely what had caused her to break curfew and sneak out into the corridors in her pyjamas. His eyes lowered down to her feet, and saw that she was wearing shoes; it couldn't have been that much of an emergency.

She said she needed to get onto the grounds, and without thinking, Trent moved to open the door. But when her words finally registered, he threw his arm out, blocking the exit.

"You're joking," Trent said darkly, turning to look at her again, his eyebrows pulling together. "How are you going to get past the Aurors that guard each door out of the castle?" he asked bluntly, staring at her.
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

As the footsteps quieted down the hall she relaxed until she felt the squeeze of his hand back. She hadn't realized she was still holding it! She pulled her hand to her chest and felt the heat in her cheeks as the blood rushed to them showing her embarrassment. She kicked herself mentally knowing that she didn't normally let things like this get the better of her. It was, after all Trent Innes, the boy her brother 'warned' her about. However, it wasn't like she didn't already know his reputation around school. He was known for his charm and his way with girls.

When he went to open the door, she took a step forward but was immediately stopped as he blocked the exit. Her eyes widened and she looked up at him. What in the name of Merlin was he doing?

His words hit her ears like a ton of bricks and her heart stopped in her chest. "I....I hadn't thought that far ahead...All I know is there is a Thresteal out there that's hurt or in trouble. I sort of panicked and knew I had to do something." Not that she really expected anyone to understand, it probably sounded extremely silly to anyone else. As a matter of fact it was starting to sound sort of silly to herself now that she said it out loud. "Don't look at me like that Trent Innes....I just wanted to help. You can't think whatever you want about me...a silly girl maybe...but I couldn't just ignore it."

She took another step towards the door and perked a brow at him. "Are you going to let me pass or hold me hostage in this cupboard all night?" She was well aware that she was coming off sassy but she felt judged in that moment and she didn't appreciate it. Perhaps she was reading it wrong but, she was used to be judged for lessor things.
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

Seeing the alarm on her face, Trent quickly lowered his arm with a pang of guilt. He hadn't meant for her to feel trapped in the cupboard with him; he had reacted instinctively to keep her out of trouble. It was close quarters, but he managed to shift slightly so as not to block the door, though he made no attempts to open it. Trent had hidden in this particular cupboard many times and knew that they had missed their shot at a clean escape and that it would be safer to stay put until after the next patrol.

Trent stopped listening to the girl after she confirmed his beliefs that she had no plan whatsoever on how to evade the Auror. His face was blank as he stared at her, his eyes filled with confusion as he tried to fathom why he even cared about waiting for the next patrol - he still had eight minutes left on his own curfew; he wasn't breaking any rules. It was the use of his name that brought him back to the present and he blinked.

"I don't think anything about you," he said automatically. It came out much harsher than he had meant, and his jaw tightened as he regretted his words. They were true, however, and he did not amend them. At least, they were true. He was certainly thinking of her now. For one thing, how did she know his name?

When she accused him of holding her hostage, Trent frowned and gestured at the unblocked door, but did not move. "You're free to go. I'd wait a minute though, unless you want to be caught by the next patrol. You don't sneak out much, do you?" he asked, though he already knew the answer. As a rule-breaker, Trent knew the other rule-breakers, and she was not one of them.
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

Isobel hadn't noticed that he had dropped his arm and moved aside slightly when she panicked a bit. She had been too busy trying to explain herself and defend why she hadn't thought her motives through, or her plan for that matter. She didn't make it a habit to sneak out, as she was a good girl and followed the rules. It was her first time being utterly rebellious sneaking out after crewfew. But it wasn't even like it was for a good time, it was to help an animal in need. That being said, she had no idea how often they did patrols, nor how long it would take to get the doors let alone how to get out of them once she made it there.

The next words that came from his mouth were utterly rude. She stood there for a moment, dumbfounded about how rude he had just been to her. Her brother had been right, he was a rude, disrespectful, arrogant ass. She sort of wrinkled her nose in displeasure and shook her head. "Alright then, fine you don't think anything about me, doesn't mean you have to so...so darn unpleasant about it." She huffed in annoyance as he stood there with that look on his face. She had no idea what he was thinking and it was driving her crazy.

When he motioned toward the unblocked door she sighed and rolled her eyes, more at herself than at him. She went to reach for the door when he spoke again. "Ugh! This is all so darn annoying! I should have just stayed in bed." She looked over to him and shook her head. "I've never snuck out before this. I'm usually a very good-" She stopped midsentence when she realized how that sounded. "Erm...I mean no. I don't sneak out much." She took a couple of steps back and let out a sigh. "I don't suppose you could let me know when it's safe to go back to my dorm? The poor creature making the noise is probably fine by now, or dead. So what does it matter now." Sadness filled her eyes and she leaned back against the far wall and let out a defeated groan.
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

"What 'look'?" Trent asked tightly, a hint of his frustration and indignance finally breaking through his usual calm façade. He stared down at her, his jaw clenched as he tried to understand how she had gotten so adversarial when all he had tried to do was help her. Letting out a breath, Trent softened his "look" as best he could and continued in a calm voice, "I meant, why would I think you're a silly girl when I don't know anything about you? I don't even know your name," he added pointedly, hoping she would tell him how she knew who he was without his needing to ask.

Trent did not have to work for long to keep his expression gentle. As her eyes filled with sadness, he felt sympathetic for her. As frustrating as he found her, she was - as she had been about to say - a good girl, and she had only been trying to get outside to help an animal. Trent could see the genuine despair on her face as she slumped against the wall in defeat and his eyebrows pulled together in confusion; he was still finding it difficult to comprehend the situation. What did she expect to be able to do for the Thestral, and why did she feel responsible for it in the first place?

He stared at her without speaking for awhile, and when she asked if he would let her know when it was safe to get back to her dorm, Trent found himself shaking his head. "No. We're checking on that Thestral," he said firmly.
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

She scoffed and sucked in her bottom lip in her own frustration. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes met hers, she didn't know him well enough, but with the tightness in his jaw she could tell he was frustrated. She let out a sigh and tried to relax herself. Granted he was the one that brought the hostility in the first place, but when it came down to it, he had saved her from certain detention. It was then his face softened slightly and his jaw unclenched. "I don't know, I guess it's because most people wouldn't sneak out in the middle of the night to help a Thestral." The next bit was muttered but still audible. "And because most people do think I'm just a silly girl." The last bit was more for herself than for Trent. "Oh, sorry. Isobel Evans, Gryffindor sixth year." She wasn't going to bring up how she knew his name. The thought of telling him never even really crossed her mind. Perhaps he was curious as to how she knew it but it wasn't a matter of priority for her to tell him.

As she leaned against the wall of the cupboard, she stared down at her feet. No longer making eye contact with Trent. Her feet shuffled back and forth as she waited to hear that the coast was clear. What was she going to do for the animal? She wasn't sure, but she had been studying on her own, all the ways she could heal, help or even just keep the poor animal company. As it was, most people couldn't even see the Thestrals, let alone keep them company. Merlin, everyone just thought they were ugly little creatures. Isobel didn't feel responsible for the injury of the animal, but if she could do something, she wanted to help. It would be selfish of her not to try to help at least a little bit.

His voice hit her ears like a bolt of lightning and her head snapped up to look at him. Her eyes met his and she smiled widely and she practically threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "OH! Thank you, thank you, Thank you!!! That means so much to me, you have no idea!" Once she realized what she was doing, she quickly let go and took a few steps back. "Erm...sorry about that." She giggled but kept eye contact.
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

Trent shrugged noncommittally at her suggestion that most people wouldn't sneak out in the middle of the night to help a Thestral; he never paid enough attention to what other people were doing to say one way or the other. She then spoke so quietly that he almost missed her next words, and unsure if he was meant to have heard it at all, Trent did not immediately reply. He gazed down at her with his brow furrowed in concern; she looked so dejected. "I don't think you're a silly girl," he said gently. "I think--" he continued, and then, coming to his senses, cut himself off midsentence.

"Nice to meet you, Isobel," Trent answered, not bothering to introduce himself; she already knew who he was. And now that he knew her name, Trent was pretty sure he knew what their connection was: her older brother. Or more specifically, her older brother's girlfriend whom Trent had slept with. Trent waited a moment for Isobel to confirm his suspicions, and let it drop when she did not. It wouldn't do any good to draw attention to it now, not when they had a Thestral to find. Trent would ask her later, and if he was right, Isobel could be mad at him then.

Sharing his plans with her, Trent enjoyed the sight of Isobel's wide smile before she flung her arms around his neck. Out of habit, his own arms drew in and his hands lightly brushed against the small of her back before he caught himself and dropped them to his side at the exact moment she pulled away. "It's all right," he said, his eyes filled with confusion as he looked down at her with a blank expression. Isobel giggled then, and Trent expected her to look away shyly, but she held his gaze. Trent looked away first, but not quickly enough to completely hide his own grin.

With his back to her, Trent took a deep breath and easily composed himself as he approached the door. Once he was satisfied that his face held no trace of emotion, he turned back to Isobel. His stance was casual as he leaned against the door frame, his eyes on his watch to conceal the fact that he found it difficult to look at her without breaking into another smile. He watched as the seconds ticked by, noting that they still had a few minutes until the next safe window to leave, and also that his curfew had officially begun. They were breaking the rules together, now.

There was no avoiding it any further, and Trent looked down at Isobel, trying to gauge her state of mind. Getting out of the castle after curfew was difficult, and there would be little time to waste being timid. She looked nervous, and rightfully so ; this was all new to her. "All right," he began softly, hoping she might find comfort in his calm and confident manner. "We'll have to move quickly, and quietly. Stick close to me, and I promise we won't be seen. But first things first… where are we going once we're outside? I didn't hear the Thestral and I can't see them."
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

She shook her head, knowing what a lot of people thought of her, or at least what she thought people thought of her. She didn't actually know what people thought of her. She assumed a lot because she didn't have the highest self-esteem, however, she knew that she was smart and if she were to be caught tonight, she would be severely punished. Detention of some sort and those couldn't have been fun. She had heard rumors of what some of them were like. "Well, that's a relief. At least one person doesn't look at me and instantly think, silly girl." She sort of smiled and looked at the door. The cut-off sentence didn't get past her, but she wasn't going to question it. At least not at the moment.

She nodded and shrugged her shoulders. "I guess so. Don't think you planned to be stuck in a broom closet with..." she sighed. "Nevermind." She then realized what time it was, knowing he was a seventh year. "Wait..." She looked up at him again and her brows pulled together in confusion. "You're a seventh-year...You weren't past crewfew..." But now he was. "Why would you..." She let out a sigh. "Great, now I'm getting you into trouble."

After the hug, the one he reciprocated, she saw the grin on his face and it only made her smile more. He had a rather adorable smile. She felt an odd sort of feeling in her stomach, something like a pull and flutter all at once. She was the to look away now and she grabbed her stomach and took in a deep breath. Luckily, he still had his back turned as she tried to recompose herself and righted herself.

When he turned back to her, his smile was gone, as well as all other emotion from his face. She studied his face, he was now refusing to look at her. Busying himself with his watch. She took a step towards him and tried to find the words to ask the question she had on her mind. "Why are you helping me...You could have just, gone back to your dorm. You weren't breaking the rules...until now."

But there might not have been time for him to answer though as he looked back down at her. She swallowed and nodded at him. He was calm and sounded extremely confident. It did make her feel a little better. "Oh, we are going to the lake. It's near the lake, I'm not sure if it's okay, but I have to check." She nodded again and looked at the door, preparing herself to run like hell. "Good. I'm glad you can't see them." She smiled weakly and looked at the door again. "I'm ready."
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

Isobel fretting about getting him into trouble was a stark comparison to Simone, who had just an hour ago shrieked that she did not care if Trent got detention two nights in a row as long as she made it back to Ravenclaw Tower safely. He felt simultaneously touched and unnerved with Isobel's compassion towards him, a stranger that, (as far as she knew) had wronged her brother. "I'm not getting in trouble and I'm not stuck in a closet," he reminded her. "I know how to get past the Aurors and I can make it back to my common room." He spoke without emotion in a matter-of-factly tone, but then unclenched his jaw and relaxed his expression. "You're definitely stuck in a closet though," he added with a playful grin to indicate that he was only teasing; if he wanted to abandon her, he would have already done so.

When Isobel asked why he had stopped to help her at all, Trent shrugged. Truthfully, he had reacted impulsively when they ran into each other in the hallway. She had looked so scared, yet made no attempt to hide when she was about to get caught by the Auror. It hadn't felt right to let that happen, not when he knew exactly how to help her. But once the Auror had passed, Trent had been more than willing to let Isobel find her own way back to Gryffindor Tower, and he wasn't entirely convinced that it was the Thestral that had changed his mind. "It seemed like a noble cause," he said finally, more than anything to convince himself that he was merely doing a good deed and nothing else factored into his decision.

While the exit that Isobel had been heading towards was closer to the Lake, it also opened up to wide flat lawns that left little cover from the patrolling Aurors. It was an amateur mistake, and Trent pressed his lips together as he thought of a less condescending way to explain that to her. "Hmm…" he began slowly, deliberating. "We're going to take the Viaduct exit and then double back towards the lake. It'll take longer, but it's a safer route." He checked his watch one last time, then looked at her. "Let's go." Opening the door to the closet, Trent slipped out and led Isobel in the opposite direction that she had come from.

While Trent had all but memorised the patrols of the Aurors, Prefects, and Head Students, it was harder to predict the teacher's behaviour. He hadn't bothered to mention this to Isobel, as to him, they were just another obstacle that he was well-practised in evading; he had even dodged the Headteacher (who seemed to never sleep) on multiple occasions. Trent kept alert as they hurriedly crept along the corridors and stairwells, only stopping her once they reached the Tapestry Corridor on the first floor. "Time to hide," he whispered, then pointed his wand at the locked door to the Potions Storeroom. The door clicked open, and Trent led Isobel in first and then slipped in behind her.

No sooner did Trent close the door than the sound of approaching footsteps filled the corridor outside. Waiting until the footsteps fell into silence further down the corridor, Trent lit his wand. "Lumos," he said at a normal volume; there was no need to whisper for another five minutes. "And now we wait for the next patrol," he explained, his voice touched with his concern that they would be too late to help the Thestral. It had been so long since Isobel had heard its cry, and even though he was certain they would not have made it out the front door, Trent couldn't help but feel guilty to keep the animal waiting with their detour.
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

Isobel was well aware that she was helping someone that her brother warned her about. Someone that had wronged her brother in the past, but he hadn't wronged her, and in fact was helping her. Besides, there were two sides to stories weren't there? Not to mention, Isobel was a kind person to a point. She didn't want Trent to get into trouble for something he was doing for her. Although she was still a bit weary, he could be doing this as a way to get into her pants and she could be playing right into his hands. There were concerns but she didn't have it in her heart to jump to conclusions without proof. She wasn't her brother and even if she did end up getting hurt because of it, at least she would know firsthand.

As he spoke, she knew he was right. He could leave at any time, he had the ability to get past the Aurors without any trouble, she was the one stuck in the closet and fully depended on him to get her back to safely without being caught. She took in a deep breath and even though his matter-of-fact tone bothered her a bit, she didn't say anything. However, it could be read on her face.

She still had that wonder though, if he could have gone back to his common room without a fuss, why had he grabbed her hand and pulled her into a closet? Now, he insisted on helping her, what did he get out of it? The more she thought about it, the more it irritated her a bit to think that he could be doing this to gain something from her. After all, it had been his reputation. She perked a brow at him and crossed her arms against her chest. "I see...A noble cause. Do you make it a habit to help 'damsels in distress?" It might have come off as rude, but she was curious as well. If he made it a habit, it could be he was just a nice guy, or he could have ulterior motives.

She nodded in agreement. She couldn't argue, it seemed like Trent knew what he was doing. She had to trust him and trust that he would get her there safely so she could help the creature. "Okay, you lead the way and I'll follow close behind." She watched him closely, and as soon as he opened the door, she followed behind him. Isobel stopped quickly and looked in the direction she had come from but quickly ran to catch up with him. She grabbed his hand and interlaced her fingers with his. She was nervous, no, she was terrified of being caught and she didn't want to fall behind.

They ran down the hallways of the school and soon he was telling her to hide again. It must have been time for another patrol. She nodded and slipped inside the potions store room. Her eyes grew big and a small smile spread across her face. She had never been in here personally and it was a wonderful place. Her eyes scanned the walls, not realizing her hand was yet again, still within Trent's. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face and her eyes then fell upon Trent. "This is the potions storeroom..." She said excitedly.

Her heart nearly stopped though when she heard the footsteps approaching the corridor. Her eyes widened once again, this time with panic and her heart started beating faster. She cleared her throat nervously, but went back to searching the store room, this time with a serious look on her face. Wait, they had to keep waiting. She just hoped they weren't too late to help the Thestral once they got there.
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

Isobel seemed to think that he had ulterior motives for helping her, and though Simone and the others were far from 'damsels', Trent supposed he couldn't blame her for her suspicions. But for the first time, he was bothered by the judgement, and feeling a scowl threatening to break through stoicism, he looked away to hide his face. "No," he answered shortly. Trent didn't want anything from Isobel. In fact, he was still trying to understand what had drawn him to her in the first place when she wasn't really his type. At least, not the type that he was ready for.

No sooner did they leave the closet did Isobel fall behind, and Trent stopped to see what had happened. Was she having second thoughts about breaking the rules? He felt a prickle of disappointment at the thought, reasoning that it would be impossible to find the Thestral without her when they were invisible to him. Trent had just opened his mouth to offer to take her back to Gryffindor Tower when Isobel seemed to summon her courage and raced back to him, once again reaching to take his hand.

A look of wonder flashed in Trent's eyes as he stared down at their interlaced fingers. As a rule, Trent didn't hold hands - it suggested more emotional intimacy than he was willing to give - and yet he had indulged Isobel twice this evening. It felt strange, and while he did not release her hand, his was rather rigid for a moment before finally relaxing in hers. It wasn't unplesant, he thought, and it had its benefits as she now easily kept pace with him as they raced down the corridor.

Reaching the store cupboard, Isobel's reaction took him by surprise. To him, the Potions storeroom had only ever been a place to hide, yet he could see that it was something like a personal paradise for Isobel. Holding his wand aloft to light up the entire cupboard for her to explore, Trent leaned against the doorframe to watch. When she turned to look at him, expressing her excitement, he couldn't help but match her smile. Trent nodded but didn't say anything, confused by his own reaction.

At the sound of footsteps, Trent met Isobel's eyes and shook his head to dismiss her fears. The smile was gone from her face, and thinking she must be afraid of getting caught, he stood from where he was leaning and moved to join her at the back of the room. The footsteps were now just outside the door, and to show how at ease he was with that fact, he pretended to scan the shelves with her. But while she looked at the jars, Trent had no interest in Potions ingredients and watched Isobel from the corner of his eye, curious about what other things made her smile.

As the footsteps died away, Trent felt oddly regretful that it was time to leave; he wanted Isobel to have more time in the place that made her look so happy. But there was a Thestral that had already been waiting too long. "We have to go," he sighed softly, turning to the exit. As he opened the door, Trent was conscious to keep his other hand from his pocket in case she wanted to hold it again. "But we can come back, if you want."

They dashed down one flight of stairs to the ground floor, and as they rounded the corner into the Viaduct Entrance, Trent stopped. Still concealed in the shadows of the stairwell, he held a hand out for Isobel to wait and pointed to the Auror guarding the door to the grounds. While no doubt a great duelist that would thrive as law enforcement in the wizarding world, this particular Auror lacked the patience and discipline required to stand guard and Trent smiled at their luck. Still obscured in the dark corner stairwell, Trent raised his wand and took careful aim at the suit of armour at the opposite end of the hall. Wordlessly and with a slash of his wand, the suit of armour toppled over onto the marble floor with a loud crash. The distraction was all they needed, and when the Auror abandoned his post to investigate, they slipped into the courtyard unseen.

They did not take the main route down to the Lake but stuck to lesser-known paths that were unpatrolled and mostly hidden from the Aurors watching above from the ramparts. Worried about the Thestral and knowing that Isobel must be as well, Trent tried to keep her mind from it. "The storeroom is always empty on the weekends," he began. "If you want to check it out on your own, you won't get caught as long as it's before curfew. It's trickier on the weekdays, but --" Abruptly, he stopped speaking to keep himself from offering his help again. Trent was silent for a moment, and then with a sudden panic at the possibility of her getting into trouble because of his bad influence, warned, "Never go on Tuesdays. I don't know why, but Professor Daley is in and out of the storeroom all day on Tuesdays."
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

She had her reasons for being skeptical of his reasons for wanting to help her yes, but at the same time she still felt the draw to him. At the end of it all she could have just refused his help, then again she would have landed herself in detention. Did that mean she was using him to get what she wanted? She shuddered at the thought, no she couldn't have been using him. He offered her help and she accepted it, even if she was still confused and a bit concerned as to why he was helping her. When his sharp, no filled the air she bit into her lip and nodded. "Alright then." Was her only response to his harsh no. She figured he had every right to answer so sharply considering her allegations.

Fear gripped her tightly but she knew she couldn't turn back now. The thestral was on its own and she had to be the one to get there. She wasn't sure if anyone else heard it, or if anyone would even care to help it if they had heard it. Could any of them even is them? She wasn't sure who in the school could see them to take care of them. Sure, there had to be some considering they existed and were cared for. A breath filled her lungs as she found her courage once again and her hand found Trent's.

This time she was aware she was grabbing his hand, but she didn't want to fall behind again. However, the look on his face sort of surprised Isobel as his eyes traveled down to their hands. She almost let go but decided against it. She nodded toward the direction they were going and smiled. "Ready then?" They took off again as they raced back down the corridor.

"Its incredible in here. I've never seen the storeroom before. I've only ever heard of it from Professor Daley. I thought it was just a myth." It was her eyes that held wonder this time. All the ingredients, the possibilities, all the things that could be created with the things inside this room. When her eyes landed back on him he smiled back at her, it only made her smile wider.

There it was again, that fear. But as her eyes caught Trent, he showed none. He was so confident in the fact that they wouldn't get caught. As he joined her at the back of the storeroom, she took in a deep breath and relaxed just a little. His presence helped calm her, which was a bit odd. But it was there and the feeling confused her. She had to find out exactly what there was there between them.

As her eyes refocused on Trent she nodded at him. "Yes, of course. Let's go." She took one last longing look at the storeroom before turning back to the door and Trent. "Come back? I would love that very much." She gave him a smile before once again gently sliding her hand into his. It was to make sure that she didn't fall behind, but it wasn't the only reason. There was something there that she wanted to explore, despite the rumors about him.

As they reached the Viaduct Entrance, Trent stopped quickly. She skidded to a halt and followed his hand to the Auror that stood guard at the door. She looked to him and perked a brow wondering how they were going to get past him. But just as she wondered, Trent waved his wand, saying nothing, and the suit of armor toppled over. Her mouth dropped open but she had no time to ask questions as she was a bit pulled towards the courtyard. Once they were in the courtyard she turned to him and her eyes filled with amazement. "You...did that effortlessly?" She was extremely impressed with his skills, which shouldn't surprise her, he was a seventh year. But it was still impressive to see it since she was just starting to learn it.

She smiled at him as he spoke again of the storeroom. She nodded her head and looked around the lake. "Right, okay. But you wouldn't want to...I don't know, come with me, would you? I know you don't have much interest in it, I could kind of tell by your body language but..." She cut herself off and shook her head. "Nevermind...it's alright. I can go alone." She offered him another smile before hearing the thestral again.

"OH! Over here, Trent." She took off in a dead sprint toward the noise and stopped dead when she saw what had happened. A bright smile spread across her face and she giggled a little before doing a little leap of joy. "A baby! Trent she had a baby!" She grinned and turned to look at him with a large smile across her face. "It had to be painful, hence the cry, but the baby is healthy and it's already standing on its own!" She grabbed his arm and laced her arms around his in excitement. "It's so beautiful!"
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

Trent hadn't toppled the suit of armour intending to show off, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as Isobel seemed impressed by it. Admittedly, it had been a simple Banishing Charm, but he supposed that she had been more impressed by his ability to cast it non-verbally rather than the spell itself. "You'll learn non-verbal magic this year," Trent said modestly, downplaying the achievement with a nonchalant shrug and a half smile.

Having restrained himself from volunteering his company in the storeroom, Trent was caught off-guard when Isobel extended the invitation herself. He did not answer right away, and his gaze remained fixed on the path ahead, guiding them down the sloping lawns towards the Lake. Isobel seemed to take his hesitation as reluctance, and she began to second-guess herself. Still, Trent made no attempts to contradict her assumptions that he wasn't interested (she was talking about Potions, after all) and her confidence began to waver.

When Isobel withdrew the invitation entirely, declaring her intent to go alone, Trent's only reaction was a subtle raise of his eyebrows as he tried to read between the lines of everything she just said. Having already reassured her about the safety of a weekend storeroom visit, he couldn't help but feel that Isobel's invitation was more about wanting his company than needing his help. As they continued their descent, Trent stole a sidelong glance in her direction, discovering a hint of disappointment hiding behind her smile. More than that, he discovered that he didn't like being the source of that disappointment.

Before he could answer, the invitation faded into the background, overshadowed by the cries of the Thestral that pierced the silence. Isobel released his hand at once, darting off towards the origin of the sound, and Trent followed in her wake, a burgeoning sense of unease taking hold. Not only were the Thestrals invisible to him, but his knowledge and experience in tending to magical creatures were practically non-existent. What assistance could he possibly provide in this situation?

Fortunately, no assistance was required and a wave of relief washed over Trent as Isobel recounted the events and assured him of the safety of both the Thestral and her foal. The excitement radiating from her was irresistible, and a rarely-seen wide smile spread across his face, accentuating dimples etched into both cheeks. Isobel then rejoined him at his side and wrapped her arms around his, and despite a nagging guilt for not discouraging her, Trent did not recoil from her touch. "So," he said, averting his gaze and staring at (he assumed) the two Thestrals. "What do you want to do now?"
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

She smiled when he said she would be learning non-verbal magic this year. She couldn't wait to use her wand and not have to say a word. It was most impressive and even though the older students all knew how to do it, it still impressed to see it first hand. "I can't wait to learn it." Her eyes gazed up at him for a brief moment before looking back at the door they were to exit to get the Threstral.

She followed him down the paths and towards the lake, knowing they were getting closer and closer to the creature who may need help. When he didn't answer her about the storeroom, she assumed that he hadn't wanted to go and she was embarrassed about having asked him at all. Perhaps he didn't want to spend time with a lowly little sixth year and had better things to do then to hang out in the potions storeroom.

She tried to hide the fact that she was disappointed that he hadn't agreed to the invitation but it was clear in her eyes even as she smiled to try and reassure him that she would be fine on her own. It was about his company, she wasn't sure why but even though she had been warned about Trent, there was something there that she wanted to explore. A nagging feeling in her gut that told her she needed to spend a bit more time with Trent to see what that feeling was. Perhaps her brother had been wrong, or perhaps there was more to the story than her brother led on. Either way, he hadn't accepted and that hope had been squashed.

Tears of complete joy brimmed on the edges of Isobel's' eyes as she looked at the sight before looking up at Trent. A large smile was present there and she sort of bounced with happiness. "I know you can't see them, but believe me when I say, it's quite the sight. New life and utter joy from the mothers face." She squeezed his arm a little, still not letting go. She glanced back up at him when he proposed his question. "I uhm...I guess it's safe to go back to the castle now that we know they are safe..." Although it was getting late and the longer they stayed out the more risk there was of getting caught, she didn't really want the night to end.
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

Trent stood motionless, his arms held stiffly at his sides while Isobel clung to him, her arms wrapped around his. There was no visible reaction on his face as he stared straight ahead, his mind racing with thoughts about her behaviour tonight. Was Isobel always this physically affectionate with people she had just met, or could it be that she was flirting with him? If it was the latter, Trent couldn't deny the spark he felt, but doubted that their interests aligned; Isobel did not strike him as the type of person looking for the same kind of "relationship" that he was.

Then again, Trent's assumptions about what Isobel might want romantically might be off—he had only just met her. Keeping an open mind to the possibility that he was wrong, Trent relaxed under Isobel's touch, but kept a neutral expression, wary of leading her on in case his assumptions proved true. As the mere sight of her had a tendency to make him smile, however, Trent was careful to keep his eyes averted. But even with his gaze firmly fixed on the invisible scene ahead, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips; the happiness in Isobel's voice as she spoke about the Thestrals was impossible to resist.

Clenching his jaw to suppress any further displays of emotion, Trent concentrated on Isobel's words and attempted to replace the mental image of her smiling face with the scene she was describing. Recalling an illustration of a Thestral he had come across years ago in a book, Trent marvelled at Isobel's ability to find beauty in a creature he had once considered ugly. "I believe you," he replied, unable to hide the smile that her perspective had brought to his face. It was becoming increasingly clear that Isobel was going to make him smile tonight, one way or another.

As Isobel answered his question, Trent tilted his head to look at her; it seemed pointless to avoid eye contact now. Alarmed by her tear-brimmed eyes, Trent's own eyes narrowed in mild confusion as he tried to fathom the reason for her tears and the inexplicable, instinctive urge he felt to wipe them away. Slipping both hands into his pockets to prevent any impulsive movements, Trent subtly shifted out from Isobel's grasp and stood to face her.

Trent had asked Isobel what she wanted to do next, and her response had been evasive. Rather than answering his question directly, she spoke of practicality, stating that it would be safe to return to the castle. Trent's gaze remained locked onto Isobel, his eyes carrying an intense curiosity as he sought to understand her, and a heavy silence enveloped them, thick with unspoken desires. Finally, Trent broke the silence. "I'll walk you back to Gryffindor Tower," he said, his voice tinged with a trace of disappointment at the idea of their time together coming to an end.

With a last wistful look in Isobel's direction, Trent turned to lead the way back to the castle, his hands buried in his pockets. But as they continued their journey uphill, Trent let out a soft sigh of defeat and withdrew his hand, taking Isobel's in his once again.
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

Isobel didn't know why she hugged Trent. Perhaps it was because of the excitement in the moment and he had been the one to help her get here. If she were to go with that, it would be a lie. There was something more there but she was denying herself of the feeling that built in her gut. She hadn't had feelings for anyone, at least not like this. She had dated a few people before, but none of them really panned out. For that reason, she had made a promise to herself to focus on her studies to become the best she could be. This, however, was different.

She pulled back from the hug and looked up at them. "It's really a shame you can't see the...." She trailed off knowing that it was stupid to say. If he could see them, it would mean he saw someone die. "Nevermind, that was a dumb thing to say. It really is a really touching scene though. The baby is nuzzling her mama now." She looked at the scene and then back at Trent. a small smile tugged at his lips, even though he couldn't see them.

But it was short lived. She watched as his jaw clenched down, his face becoming emotionless once more. She pursed her lips and smiled wider, wrinkling her nose. "Are you allergic to smiling?" She let out a small giggle and stepped in front of him dancing like a goof. "Come on, you can't be so...stiff all the time."

The tears still brimmed at the surface of her eyes but she wiped them away as she started sort of wiggling in front of Trent. He wasn't at all what her brother described and perhaps some day she would have the nerve to ask Trent what his side of the story was. He was kind, or at least he was in this moment. He didn't seem to have an ulterior motive for it all. Just that he had seen her in trouble and helped. It was sort a beautiful moment in itself.

She stopped dancing though when he said he would walk her back to the Gryffindor tower. "Oh, yeah, right of course. I do uhm... appreciate you helping me tonight. Even if it was for something like this. I guess they didn't really need help...but I'm glad I got to see it." She started walking with him as he turned away and headed toward the castle. When his hand found hers once more, she felt the heat in her cheeks but she tried to will it away.

Isobel didn't want to go back to the castle but it was the logical thing right? The adventure was over, and they did have class in the morning. Not to mention, they could get caught any moment.
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Trent Innes
7th Year
7th Year
Player: kim

Post by Trent Innes »

Trent froze as Isobel danced before him, caught off guard by her question and how much he liked the way her nose wrinkled when she grinned. His gaze lingered for a second too long, his captivation by her at odds with his usual self control. “No, I’m not allergic,” he said, a faint smile tugging at his lips as if to prove the point. His voice carried a strange weight—soft, yet tense, as though he was trying to convince himself as much as her. The smile didn’t quite meet his eyes, fading as quickly as it appeared, leaving his expression carefully neutral once again.

When Trent first saw Isobel that night, he couldn’t deny she was attractive. The thought of pursuing her crossed his mind immediately. But as he spent more time with her, it became clear she wasn’t right for him. Isobel would care. She’d want to know him, to expect something real. The idea of asking her out was easy to dismiss—just as he’d done many times before. Yet here she was, dancing in the moonlight like a fool, laughing without a care. He couldn’t look away, captivated not just by her appearance, but by something deeper—an unfamiliar pull to know her, to understand the person behind the smile. It was a curiosity he didn’t usually feel.

Trent released her hand and cleared his throat, stepping back with practiced ease, his hands sliding into his pockets. "We should get moving," he said, his voice low, calm, and detached. His eyes stayed fixed ahead, deliberately ignoring the unfamiliar warmth stirring in his chest. He was skilled at keeping things at a distance, both physically and emotionally, and this—this feeling—was something he didn’t want to let in. He had spent the evening keeping her at arm's length, and now, more than ever, he had to remind himself why.

As they walked back to the castle, Trent tried to focus on the path ahead, but his mind kept drifting back to Isobel. The motions of sneaking back inside were so ingrained in him that he moved on autopilot, hardly thinking about it. His mind wandered to her crinkled nose, to the carefree way she’d danced. He barely registered how they’d slipped past the prefects or avoided the teachers—just a shift change and some distracted Aurors, and they were inside without a hitch and standing in front of the Fat Lady.

Trent hadn’t realized until now how quiet the walk had been—how little he’d said. He wondered if Isobel had spoken at all, or if he’d been too lost in his own thoughts to listen. Trent turned toward Isobel, but unsure of what to say, no words came; he just looked at her.
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Isobel Evans
6th Year
6th Year
Player: Felix

Post by Isobel Evans »

Her eyes were wide as she danced before Trent. Her arms moved above her head and her legs sort of looked broken as she wiggled them. His eyes were on her and she couldn't help but feel the heat build inside her body once more. This time, it was a little harder to will them away. But perhaps he wouldn't notice because of her goofball dance. "Well, that's..." She wrinkled her nose in question. "That was hardly a smile." She let out a soft giggle but shrugged her shoulders. He was going to be the serious to her goofy. A perfect balance.

The quick cut off to her dance also put out a small flicker of a flame behind her eyes. He was short with her, not rude persay, but distant. It had been on and off like that all night, but this seemed different. He didn't look down at her, he held her hand but he remained silent. Her head tilted slightly as she looked up at him. Her teeth found the bottom corner of her lip. He was a curious sort of boy that was for sure. She let out a soft sigh as they made their way back through the castle and past those that could catch them with ease.

Now, they stood in front of the Fat Lady and she sort of let let her hand drop to her side as they stopped. He hadn't said anything the whole way back. Sure, inside the school the silence made sense, but he hadn't uttered a single word. Even now, he stood there, looking at her with nothing to say.

She shifted from one foot to the other and looked down at her feet. "Okay, well um....Thanks again. It was...nice of you to help me." She felt like she had done something wrong for his entire mood to shift. Was it worth exploring? Her lips pursed and she sighed. She turned to head into the common room but turned back to him once again. "Did I...." Shaking her head she spoke again. "Nevermind...goodnight Trent."
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