An Arm and a Leg [Anwen]

The Hospital Wing can be found on the third floor of the castle. It is where students, staff and Aurors go to have their medical needs met. The school Healer’s office and living quarters are attached, so they are always nearby in case of emergencies.
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Kyle Winters
7th Year | Chaser
7th Year | Chaser
Player: Jae

An Arm and a Leg [Anwen]

Post by Kyle Winters »

The relative peace of the Hospital Wing was abruptly interrupted by a pair of clanking crutches as their anxious owner hurriedly entered and began to search for a particular someone. Said owner was none other than Kyle Winters, who had rushed over here as quickly as he could upon learning that Anwen had suffered a broken arm.

Anxious to find her quickly, but at the same time not wanting to disturb the students who were recuperating, he called her name out in a loud whisper as he made his way down the room. “Anwen?”
happiness is only a word, just an empty dream that everyone wants
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Anwen Sawyer
6th Year | Prefect | Seeker
6th Year | Prefect | Seeker
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Post by Anwen Sawyer »

Anwen couldn't believe what had happened. It all happened as if it were a dream or a nightmare. It was fast, contained vile images, and was horrifying. The sound of her mother's voice still rang in her ears. The violent nature of whatever that thing was that tried to set fire to...She shook her head not wanting to think on it anymore. She laid her head back and let out a heavy sigh. The nurse had been in and explained the process of fixing her arm. All she wanted to do was disappear. She was embarrassed that she couldn't have done more, or protected the people she cared about. Now all she could do was sit in the hospital wing and 'get better.'

It wasn't until she heard a familiar voice that she felt excitement and the familiar feeling of embarrassment flood back into her veins. Kyle...he had come to see her, or check up on her. "Kyle?" She managed to choke out in a weak voice. She quickly sat up and tried to tame her wild hair before he made his way over to her bedside.
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Kyle Winters
7th Year | Chaser
7th Year | Chaser
Player: Jae

Post by Kyle Winters »

Kyle had just passed the third bed when his ears caught a familiar voice responding to his call. She’s awake. That thought offered him a small measure of comfort, for it meant that Anwen was at least well enough to be up. Hurriedly (and as quietly as he could manage) he made his way towards her, and as he rounded the blue curtains he finally saw her.

His pessimistic mind had been imagining the worst even as he clung on to the hope that she hadn’t been too badly hurt, and now that she was right there in front of him and in a much better state than in his greatest fears, he felt as though a weight was lifted off his chest. Dropping one of his crutches, he was about to check if she had any other injuries anywhere… but he held back when he realised that he knew nothing about her condition, and he might accidentally touch a raw spot and hurt her. So instead he gave her a once over, his eyes wide with worry as he tried to see if she had any other injuries apart from the broken arm.

“A–are you alright? How’s your arm? Does it hurt anywhere else?” The words spilled out of him in an uncontrollable torrent, and he stopped himself when he realised that he had been bombarding her with questions without giving her any time to answer them. “I’m sorry…” he began, only to immediately repeat his mistake as his worries got the better of him again. “Are you tired? Hungry?”

He caught himself for the second time and repeated his apology. “I’m sorry… I just... I’ve been worried sick since I heard that you were in the hospital wing…” His voice trailed off as he bit his lip nervously, not knowing what he could do to ease her pain or help her get better.
happiness is only a word, just an empty dream that everyone wants
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Anwen Sawyer
6th Year | Prefect | Seeker
6th Year | Prefect | Seeker
Player: Felix

Post by Anwen Sawyer »

Anwen hadn't been expecting visitors but she should have. Kyle rounded the corner by the curtains. She tried to refrain from giggling when she saw him. Pure panic graced his handsome face. He was worried about her, but that wasn't what was funny. The fact he was worried was endearing and made her feel special. No, it was the way he rushed to her side and the look on his face. "Hello Kyle." She smiled and tried to sit up slightly but cringed in pain.

Then the quick questions started to pour out of his mouth, and she couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "I'm okay...The nurse said I can leave tomorrow morning; they just want to make sure the bruising subsides how it's supposed to." She smiled at him and patted the bed next to her. "My ribs and my back are a bit sore. I assure you, I'm alright." He apologized and she shook her head. "No need to apologize. It's sweet, and you're sweet..." She nibbled on her lower lip and reached out for him.

"No, I'm not tired....a little hungry, perhaps." Her features softened, and she wrapped her fingers around his. "It's okay, stop apologizing." She offered him a warm smile. Her body ached, but with him being here, it all made things a little better. "C-can you stay for a little bit?" She looked down at her lap and picked off an invisible something off the blanket before looking back up at him.
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Kyle Winters
7th Year | Chaser
7th Year | Chaser
Player: Jae

Post by Kyle Winters »

Anwen’s giggle cut through Kyle’s worries and spiralling thoughts like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, and some of the tension lifted from his shoulders when he heard that she would be able to leave the hospital wing tomorrow morning. As the anxious energy within him somewhat subsided, he accepted Anwen’s offer to sit down and set aside his crutches.

His face reddened when Anwen said that he was sweet; he still wasn’t quite used to such compliments, but he was learning. His knitted brow relaxed and a hint of a smile began to form over his lips as he took her hand carefully. “You were worried for me when I got hurt too,” he began, not quite sure how to properly express how he was feeling. He had never been good with words, and as he fumbled for what to say, the only words he found were another apology and a painfully mundane question about whether she was tired or hungry.

“I’m sorry, I should have brought along a snack for you,” he said, but his mind had raced ahead with all the other things he should have done. He should have been there with her when the accident happened so she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Heck, he didn’t even know what exactly had happened. Briefly his intrusive thoughts darkened his countenance, but before they could spiral out of control, Anwen’s warm smile snapped him out of it and brought him back to reality.

“Of course I can stay,” he replied, as his eyes met hers. Earlier when he had heard about Anwen getting admitted into the hospital wing, he had imagined the worst. But right now, right here, she was right in front of him. He had already lost someone dear before, and he couldn’t bear to lose another person. Not so soon, not before he had fully forgiven himself.

Without warning, tears suddenly flooded his eyes. Surprised and mortified, he hurriedly wiped them away before Anwen could see them… but there was no way to hide it. “I…” he started awkwardly, not knowing what to say, or even what he wanted to say. And before he knew it, something came over him and he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around Anwen and pull her into a gentle embrace, as though she might suddenly disappear otherwise. “I… I was really scared that I’d lose you,” he admitted, his voice raw and shaky and uncertain as the tears began to well up again.
happiness is only a word, just an empty dream that everyone wants
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Anwen Sawyer
6th Year | Prefect | Seeker
6th Year | Prefect | Seeker
Player: Felix

Post by Anwen Sawyer »

Anwen could feel the energy he was giving off. It was a bit sad and full of all kinds of tension. She was worried about Kyle. Something was going on, and whatever it was, she wanted to try and fix it. He deserved happiness and if he wasn't happy then she wanted to do what she could to make it so. When he sat down next to her, she smiled. It was nice to have him here, it calmed her nerves.

He had a point, she had been worried when he had been in the hospital and hurt. All sorts of thoughts ran through her head in that moment. "That is true. I suppose it's only natural to be worried about someone we care about." She shrugged and tried to sit up a bit more.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Kyle. I'm sure the nurse will bring me something to eat soon. Or I could always just ask. However, it's sweet of you to say that." He started to space off, and Anwen noticed. She reached out for his hand and squeezed it gently. She had no idea what was running through his head, but it seemed to be causing him stress.

Tears filled up his eyes, and she couldn't help but see it. He quickly wiped them away, but anyone could tell something was bothering him. "Kyle...what's...", but before she could finish her sentence, his arms wrapped around her, and he was crying. "I'm not going anywhere. Kyle, I..." She didn't know what to say to comfort him in this moment. She couldn't promise she would always be okay because there were some things she couldn't control. She wrapped her own arms around him and hugged him close. "I know you've been through a lot...I'm sorry I scared you so badly. I...I don't want you to worry so much. I'm going to be okay. We will have time together."

She pulled back slightly and looked him in the eyes. "No matter what happens, Kyle, I try my hardest to always be here for you. I don't plan on going anywhere." She leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "Are you alright...? Is there anything you want to talk about? You know you can talk to me about anything."
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