Charmed to meet you.... (Nixa)

The rooms in which the various classes are taught. Each class is taught in a different room, and the location depends on the subject. Lessons can be held in many places, for example, greenhouses, towers, dungeons, the grounds and the forest.
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Devereaux Gordon
4th Year
4th Year
Player: CptDonutHole

Charmed to meet you.... (Nixa)

Post by Devereaux Gordon »

It was a rather chilly afternoon at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although there were a few students roaming the grounds, most of them could be found somewhere inside the castle. The common rooms, with their blazing fires, were extremely popular. The library was a little busier than usual, as were the large tables in the Great Hall.

It is for all of these reasons, that one student in particular had been forced to find an empty classroom to appropriate. Anyone who walked down the hall would immediately notice the repetitive flash of light, accompanied sometimes by muttering, sometimes by a loud thump or crash usually followed by whispered curses, and occasionally by a gently whoop of joy.

Devereaux Gordon was the student in question. Having first attempted reviewing his notes in the library, the quiet muttering and murmuring of all of the extra students had eventually driven him out. With resignation, he had decided that today was the day he would attempt to brush up on his charms and transfiguration spells. Since his fourth year had started, the increased complexity of the magic being taught had caused him to fall behind in a few areas, charms being the main one.

For this reason, Devereaux could be found standing in the middle of the empty classroom with an assortment of items spread out in a wide circle around him. There were some textbooks, a few rocks ranging from pebble to softball size, a feather, and even his broom.

There was a chalk board on the wall that had a list of spells written on it, a few of which had been crossed out.

Wingardium Leviosa

Having already practiced and crossed off the first three spells, Devereaux was currently practicing the switching spell. There was a parchment and quill on the floor at his feet. Every time he flicked his wand through the motion, something that resembled writing an ‘X’ without picking up your quill, he would watch the results and occasionally make a note.

Devereaux took a deep breath and held his wand out in front of him. “Maybe a few more tries.” He muttered, then he flicked his want through the motion and said the incantation.

The book and rock that he had been planning on switching both seemed to shake and their image distorted for a moment, but then they settled, still in the same spot as before. “Ughhh” He groaned and sat down abruptly. “What is freaking wrong with me.” He muttered, then stiffened as he thought he heard footsteps.
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Nixa Swan
5th Year | Chaser
5th Year | Chaser
Player: Felix

Post by Nixa Swan »

People, they were everywhere. Nixa just wanted some peace and quiet, but that didn't seem to be possible. The library was full of students whispering and laughing about one thing or another. The Great Hall was never quiet; even the common room was full of students acting stupid and being loud. She let out a sigh as she made her way down an empty hallway. She needed to get away from everyone. It wasn't often that she just wanted to be alone, or at the very least, have just a few people.

Andie turned a corner and saw the flashes of light followed by the voice of a male. She lifted a brow and walked towards the noise. Yes, she wanted peace and quiet, but the curiosity that tugged at her brain got the better of her. Peaking into the classroom, she saw a younger Hufflepuff trying to practice magic. There were spells written on the board and several items on a table across from him.

He tried the spell again but the items only shook on the table. Her eyes flicked between the items and the boy that was trying to do the spell. "Your wand movements are off a little bit." she said as she leaned against the door frame of the classroom. "You don't have enough flick at the end." She stated simply. Charms was one of her best classes, not her favorite class, but she did really well in the subject.
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Devereaux Gordon
4th Year
4th Year
Player: CptDonutHole

Post by Devereaux Gordon »

Devereaux was shocked to find a girl standing in the doorframe watching him. She had blond hair and piercing blue eyes. Her robes were trimmed in the familiar green of Slytherin. Confident she was not in fourth year with him, Devereaux guessed she was a fifth year, or possibly sixth. It took him a moment to gather his thoughts and realize she had commented on his spell work. “Enough flick at the end?” He said the words slowly as if doing that would make them make sense to him. Then his brain seemed to get over his surprise and his eyes opened wide. “OH, my wand. I see.”

Standing abruptly, Devereaux turned back to the items and raised his wand. He attempted the spell again, only this time he was sure to flick his wand more as he finished the spell form. This time, without a hitch, the book and rock seemed to blink in and out of existence once, except now they had switched positions.

“Oh wow. That was all? I’m such a moron!” Devereaux exclaimed with a laugh. Then he turned back to the girl standing in the doorway. "Thank you! I thought my spacial awareness was just bad, I read somewhere that that can cause issue with that one.... oh uh I’m Devereaux. I’m a fourth year. Just uh..working on some charms. I had to come up here cause everywhere else is so crowded it is kind of unbearable” He said and then stood there smiling awkwardly while waiting for the girl to respond.
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