Saturday, 10 December 2005
As the only all-wizarding village in Britain, Hogsmeade was always buzzing with activity during the month of December as witches and wizards from all over the country readied themselves for Christmas. This particular morning, the already lively streets were even more crowded as Hogwarts students poured into the village for their first trip of the holiday season. The long-awaited news of the Winter Solstice dance had officially been announced just under two weeks ago, marking the first formal event at Hogwarts since the Yule Ball of 1994. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and it seemed as though the entire school had come to partake in the festivities.
As Trent set out on his shopping expedition, a newfound realization dawned upon him - he had never truly appreciated the challenge of selecting presents when the intended recipient could appear at any moment, jeopardizing the element of surprise. Unlike some of his classmates who adhered strictly to sanctioned trips, Trent had never limited himself and often found amusement in observing as they snuck in and out of stores, cleverly performing concealment charms on their parcels to disguise their purchases. However, a recent encounter with Professor Sigma at the Three Broomsticks meant that he was on his best behaviour… at least, for another month or so. And while Trent would never have missed this trip regardless, he was certainly feeling the pressure of shopping alongside his peers, especially considering he now had two extra people on his shopping list: Kyle Winters and Isobel Evans.
Deciding to tackle the easiest task first, Trent headed directly to Enchanting Essentials. Shopping for Nova Harte, his oldest friend, presented no challenge at all; he had had years to become well-acquainted with her preferences and desires. Exiting the craft shop with arms laden with shopping bags filled with fabric and thread, Trent couldn't help but feel that the materials would likely transform into clothing tailored to himself before too long.
Up next was Kyle, who posed only a small challenge. Although their friendship was relatively new, Trent had had six years to observe and learn about Kyle's interests and hobbies. Inside Spintwiches Sporting Needs, Trent had come across a dozen or more items that he knew Kyle would enjoy... but he left the store without making a purchase. Based on Kyle's reaction when Trent had loaned him a watch for the Winter Solstice dance, Trent had a feeling that lavish gifts might not be well received. In the end, he settled on some confectionaries from Honeydukes and a modestly priced Sneakoscope that he found at Dervish and Banges.
With only Isobel remaining, Trent found himself utterly flummoxed. Despite knowing each other for three months now, their friendship had had a slow start and there was still much to learn about her. Balancing the delicate act of selecting a thoughtful gift without sending the wrong message - or revealing too many of his feelings - only added to the challenge. Hours later and still (figuratively) empty-handed, Trent conceded to his imminent meeting with Isobel and abandoned his search.
Exhausted, irritable, and slightly panicked, Trent arrived at the Three Broomsticks, hoping that he would have better luck the following weekend trip. A quick search around the crowded inn told Trent that Isobel had not yet arrived, and with a lengthy lineup at the bar, Trent took the initiative and queued up to order their drinks. At the very least, he could buy her a Pumpkin juice, her favourite beverage.
The Magic Of Giving [Isobel]
- Isobel Evans
- 6th Year
- Player: Felix
December is a month of cold weather, cheery attitudes, and the hustle and bustle of people out doing their shopping. Presents, decorations, and ingredients for the cookies that most families seemed to make around this time of year. Isobel used to make cookies with her mum before she passed away. It was a tradition every year up until she got sick. When she fell ill, Isobel tried to make them on her own but failed miserably. Since then, the cookies sort of fell to the wayside as other things took precedence over them.
Today, however, was a different sort of day, it was one that Isobel had been looking forward to for a few days now. A couple of weeks ago, the Winter Solstice dance was announced and she was thrilled that there was going to be an event that she could finally invite Trent to. She had yet to speak with Nova about a dress, but she knew that her friend would have her back for sure. She didn't have a lot of money to go out and buy a dress like most of the other students were talking about, but Isobel knew that nothing would compare to the skill and craftsmanship of Nova's designs. She just had to ask her if she would make her one and the wheels could be set into motion.
Isobel had most of her Christmas shopping already finished. She had small gifts that she had crafted for her family and a little something special for Trent Innes. Again, the money was an issue, but she often poured her heart and soul into the things that she made for her friends and family. But she did have one gift she had to purchase and she had saved money for it and even asked her father for just a couple of Galleons to pay for the book she wanted to gift to Nova. It was a book she had come across a few months back that had the designs and styles of generations before them. Nova took her inspiration from things she saw in books and in real life. Isobel wanted to help support her friend in her journey to be the best designer she could be.
After leaving the bookstore with the book in hand, so to speak, she headed off to the whole reason she found herself in Hogsmeade in the first place. A meeting with Trent Innes. She was both excited and a bit nervous because she had a dire question she wanted to ask him and hoped it went well. She knew that the butterflies in her stomach her mainly because of that reason but also because he seemed to have that effect on her as of late. There was something there that she hadn't expected when she first met him on that fateful night three months ago.
She pulled her coat tighter around her middle and took in a deep breath as she stood outside of the Three Broomsticks trying to calm her nerves before walking inside. Why was she so nervous, they were just friends after all? She took the few steps it took to enter the pub and looked around, she spotted him standing in line. A small smile spread across her lips and she walked up behind him and slid her gloved fingers over his eyes. "Guess who!"She said in a manly sort of way to try and throw him off a bit, but she ended up giggling slightly giving away who it really was.
Today, however, was a different sort of day, it was one that Isobel had been looking forward to for a few days now. A couple of weeks ago, the Winter Solstice dance was announced and she was thrilled that there was going to be an event that she could finally invite Trent to. She had yet to speak with Nova about a dress, but she knew that her friend would have her back for sure. She didn't have a lot of money to go out and buy a dress like most of the other students were talking about, but Isobel knew that nothing would compare to the skill and craftsmanship of Nova's designs. She just had to ask her if she would make her one and the wheels could be set into motion.
Isobel had most of her Christmas shopping already finished. She had small gifts that she had crafted for her family and a little something special for Trent Innes. Again, the money was an issue, but she often poured her heart and soul into the things that she made for her friends and family. But she did have one gift she had to purchase and she had saved money for it and even asked her father for just a couple of Galleons to pay for the book she wanted to gift to Nova. It was a book she had come across a few months back that had the designs and styles of generations before them. Nova took her inspiration from things she saw in books and in real life. Isobel wanted to help support her friend in her journey to be the best designer she could be.
After leaving the bookstore with the book in hand, so to speak, she headed off to the whole reason she found herself in Hogsmeade in the first place. A meeting with Trent Innes. She was both excited and a bit nervous because she had a dire question she wanted to ask him and hoped it went well. She knew that the butterflies in her stomach her mainly because of that reason but also because he seemed to have that effect on her as of late. There was something there that she hadn't expected when she first met him on that fateful night three months ago.
She pulled her coat tighter around her middle and took in a deep breath as she stood outside of the Three Broomsticks trying to calm her nerves before walking inside. Why was she so nervous, they were just friends after all? She took the few steps it took to enter the pub and looked around, she spotted him standing in line. A small smile spread across her lips and she walked up behind him and slid her gloved fingers over his eyes. "Guess who!"She said in a manly sort of way to try and throw him off a bit, but she ended up giggling slightly giving away who it really was.
- Trent Innes
- 7th Year
- Player: kim
Trent's thoughts had been so completely consumed by the challenge of finding the perfect Christmas gift for Isobel that he had been wholly unaware of her presence until her gloved fingers covered his eyes. Stiffening automatically at the unexpected touch, he soon relaxed as Isobel's voice reached his ears; even when disguised, it had an unmistakable familiarity.
Though he intended to indulge her in the playful game, Trent found it difficult to keep a straight face and a smile tugged at his lips even before her giggle confirmed her identity. Without the need for pretence, Trent's laughter joined hers, and his smile emerged without restraint. "Isobel," he guessed, his comfort with her touch evident as he made no attempt to distance himself.
When Isobel's hands left his eyes, Trent turned towards her, a genuine happiness illuminating his face as he took in the sight of her. His eyes flickered down to the shopping bag at her side before returning to her face, a smile still gracing his features. While the sight of other students carrying garment bags hinted at dance-related preparations, Isobel's unassuming bag failed to offer any similar clues, and Trent's curiosity was piqued. "How's it going?" he asked, his voice friendly and warm.
The queue at the bar was beginning to move, and Trent scanned the busy interior of the Three Broomsticks. After a frustrating morning, he had been looking forward to the chance to sit down and spend time with Isobel, but he was beginning to doubt the feasibility of finding a table. "It's pretty crowded," he began. "How about I grab the drinks and something to eat and you try and find us a table?"
Though he intended to indulge her in the playful game, Trent found it difficult to keep a straight face and a smile tugged at his lips even before her giggle confirmed her identity. Without the need for pretence, Trent's laughter joined hers, and his smile emerged without restraint. "Isobel," he guessed, his comfort with her touch evident as he made no attempt to distance himself.
When Isobel's hands left his eyes, Trent turned towards her, a genuine happiness illuminating his face as he took in the sight of her. His eyes flickered down to the shopping bag at her side before returning to her face, a smile still gracing his features. While the sight of other students carrying garment bags hinted at dance-related preparations, Isobel's unassuming bag failed to offer any similar clues, and Trent's curiosity was piqued. "How's it going?" he asked, his voice friendly and warm.
The queue at the bar was beginning to move, and Trent scanned the busy interior of the Three Broomsticks. After a frustrating morning, he had been looking forward to the chance to sit down and spend time with Isobel, but he was beginning to doubt the feasibility of finding a table. "It's pretty crowded," he began. "How about I grab the drinks and something to eat and you try and find us a table?"
- Isobel Evans
- 6th Year
- Player: Felix
She smiled and felt her body pressed against his back. A slight blush reached her cheeks but she didn't move until he responded with her name. Afterward, she took a step back and nodded. "Drat, you figured me out." She laughed and stepped up next to him.
His laughter filled her ears and her smile broadened. She was always the silly one in their awkward sort of relationship. But she didn't mind, he always seemed to match her once the ice was broken. If not, she just pushed the goofiness a tad further until she had the smile she so desired.
"Much better now that I am done shopping and here to enjoy a delicious treat with you." She grinned and followed his eyes down to her bag. "Oh no, no, mister. It's getting closer to Christmas, you will get no clues from me." She giggled again and pulled the bag from sight. "Besides, yours isn't in there." She nibbled on the edge of her lip. She was hoping that what she had for him made him happy. She had spent numerous hours working on it, because it was by hand and not done with magic. She felt it would have more meaning if she did it that way.
The line moved forward and he suggested getting a table. Although she'd like to stand in line with him and talk a bit more, he was right. The tables were filling up fast and after a slight pouty face she agreed. "Alright...I'll grab us a table. There, the one in the corner." She pointed before sort of doing an about-face and bouncing off to snag it before someone else took it from them. "Don't be too long, I might get bored!" She called after him with a grin.
His laughter filled her ears and her smile broadened. She was always the silly one in their awkward sort of relationship. But she didn't mind, he always seemed to match her once the ice was broken. If not, she just pushed the goofiness a tad further until she had the smile she so desired.
"Much better now that I am done shopping and here to enjoy a delicious treat with you." She grinned and followed his eyes down to her bag. "Oh no, no, mister. It's getting closer to Christmas, you will get no clues from me." She giggled again and pulled the bag from sight. "Besides, yours isn't in there." She nibbled on the edge of her lip. She was hoping that what she had for him made him happy. She had spent numerous hours working on it, because it was by hand and not done with magic. She felt it would have more meaning if she did it that way.
The line moved forward and he suggested getting a table. Although she'd like to stand in line with him and talk a bit more, he was right. The tables were filling up fast and after a slight pouty face she agreed. "Alright...I'll grab us a table. There, the one in the corner." She pointed before sort of doing an about-face and bouncing off to snag it before someone else took it from them. "Don't be too long, I might get bored!" She called after him with a grin.
- Trent Innes
- 7th Year
- Player: kim
Trent's curiosity about Isobel's shopping heightened with her cryptic remark about his gift not being in the bag, and his earlier anxiety regarding their gift exchange surged back with renewed intensity. At the thought that Isobel might give him something more than just a friendly gift, dread settled in his chest; it would only lead to hurt feelings when he couldn't - or, more accurately, wouldn't - reciprocate with his gift to her. Though he refrained from responding, a flicker of concern flashed in his eyes before it was masked with a forced smile.
Their usual easy banter hit a momentary pause, the atmosphere shifting subtly as Trent's discomfort settled in. Quickly recovering, he suggested that Isobel find a table, but as he watched as she left, he was filled with an inexplicable longing sensation that he could not comprehend. Unwilling to confront these emotions, Trent averted his gaze and directed his focus towards the menu board, which had been updated with new items for the holiday season.
Since Isobel hadn't specified any preferences, Trent opted for her usual favourites, a Pumpkin Juice and an array of strawberry-flavoured desserts. Though he could have used a stronger drink to take his mind off of his worries, he chose a Butterbeer for himself and a few mince tarts. Thankfully, the line was slow-moving, giving Trent plenty of time to compose himself, and when it was finally his turn to order, he felt more at ease and was once again looking forward to spending some time with Isobel.
Joining Isobel at the table, Trent set her drink down in front of her and gestured for her to help herself to the assortment of treats. He then removed his jacket, hanging it over the back of his chair, before settling into the seat across from her. Initially, Trent remained quiet as he sipped his Butterbeer, content to sit in silence and simply enjoy her company.
Knowing Isobel, she would soon feel compelled to fill the silence with nervous chatter, Trent commented, "It's nice to see you outside of school for a change." Other than their first meeting and the occasional weekend, Trent rarely saw Isobel in anything other than her Gryffindor uniform. Despite the temptation to compliment her appearance, Trent held back, but his eyes nevertheless conveyed what he did not say aloud.
Their usual easy banter hit a momentary pause, the atmosphere shifting subtly as Trent's discomfort settled in. Quickly recovering, he suggested that Isobel find a table, but as he watched as she left, he was filled with an inexplicable longing sensation that he could not comprehend. Unwilling to confront these emotions, Trent averted his gaze and directed his focus towards the menu board, which had been updated with new items for the holiday season.
Since Isobel hadn't specified any preferences, Trent opted for her usual favourites, a Pumpkin Juice and an array of strawberry-flavoured desserts. Though he could have used a stronger drink to take his mind off of his worries, he chose a Butterbeer for himself and a few mince tarts. Thankfully, the line was slow-moving, giving Trent plenty of time to compose himself, and when it was finally his turn to order, he felt more at ease and was once again looking forward to spending some time with Isobel.
Joining Isobel at the table, Trent set her drink down in front of her and gestured for her to help herself to the assortment of treats. He then removed his jacket, hanging it over the back of his chair, before settling into the seat across from her. Initially, Trent remained quiet as he sipped his Butterbeer, content to sit in silence and simply enjoy her company.
Knowing Isobel, she would soon feel compelled to fill the silence with nervous chatter, Trent commented, "It's nice to see you outside of school for a change." Other than their first meeting and the occasional weekend, Trent rarely saw Isobel in anything other than her Gryffindor uniform. Despite the temptation to compliment her appearance, Trent held back, but his eyes nevertheless conveyed what he did not say aloud.
- Isobel Evans
- 6th Year
- Player: Felix
It wasn't hard to catch the look in Trent's eye when she mentioned his gift wasn't in the bag. She refrained from saying anything. It would only make things more uncomfortable, and she could already imagine what he was thinking anyway. His fake, forced smile replaced the look soon enough, and she could go on pretending she didn't even see the look in the first place.
Isobel turned off to snatch the corner table, her mind wandering as she weaved her way through the tables. She refused to turn back and look at him, even if she really wanted to know if he was watching her. She took her place at the table, scooting the chair in slightly. Leaning forward, she removed her jacket and slid it across the back of the chair. Her eyes found him once more, standing in line at the counter.
She hadn't realized she was spacing out, staring at him until he joined her at the table. Blinking her eyes a few times and refocusing on reality, her eyes met his. An awkward sort of smile appeared on her fac,e and she leaned back in her chair. She quickly took the pumpkin juice and sipped on it. Causual, act casual. Don't be weird... She told herself in her head. But weird was what Isobel was; she couldn't deny that she was a little off-kilter.
"Oh yes, it really is." She spat out rather quickly and nodding her head along with her words. "Gets a bit stuffy stuck in Hogwarts attire all the time, don't you think?" She grabbed one of the strawberry pastries and took a rather large bite. Some of the icing ended up on the lower side of her mouth. Her eyes once again met his and she could see the look in his. It brought a slight tinge of red to her face before she looked down at her drink. "So um...the thestral is getting bigger..." She filled the air with random conversation trying to take the attention off of herself.
Isobel turned off to snatch the corner table, her mind wandering as she weaved her way through the tables. She refused to turn back and look at him, even if she really wanted to know if he was watching her. She took her place at the table, scooting the chair in slightly. Leaning forward, she removed her jacket and slid it across the back of the chair. Her eyes found him once more, standing in line at the counter.
She hadn't realized she was spacing out, staring at him until he joined her at the table. Blinking her eyes a few times and refocusing on reality, her eyes met his. An awkward sort of smile appeared on her fac,e and she leaned back in her chair. She quickly took the pumpkin juice and sipped on it. Causual, act casual. Don't be weird... She told herself in her head. But weird was what Isobel was; she couldn't deny that she was a little off-kilter.
"Oh yes, it really is." She spat out rather quickly and nodding her head along with her words. "Gets a bit stuffy stuck in Hogwarts attire all the time, don't you think?" She grabbed one of the strawberry pastries and took a rather large bite. Some of the icing ended up on the lower side of her mouth. Her eyes once again met his and she could see the look in his. It brought a slight tinge of red to her face before she looked down at her drink. "So um...the thestral is getting bigger..." She filled the air with random conversation trying to take the attention off of herself.
- Trent Innes
- 7th Year
- Player: kim
As expected, Isobel was speaking faster than usual, her words tumbling over each other as if she were nervous. Trent couldn’t quite figure out why she would be, though he couldn’t deny that he liked the soft pink flush on her cheeks. Trent’s gaze then drifted to Isobel’s lips, as it often did, but this time it was the stray patch of icing on her mouth that caught his eye. While he knew pointing it out would likely embarrass her, allowing her to discover it at a later time seemed to be the worse option. Rather than make a fuss, Trent simply handed her a napkin and smoothly carried on their conversation as if nothing were amiss.
“Let me know if you ever want to visit the Thestral after curfew,” he said, a smile tugging at his lips as he recalled their first meeting and thought of repeating that night. Trent hadn’t been breaking the rules much lately, focusing on staying on track, but for Isobel, he’d make an exception. Taking a sip of his Butterbeer, Trent watched as more student filtered into the Three Broomsticks, their laughter and chatter filling the space as they proudly showcased their newly purchased formal wear. The sight reminded him of the upcoming dance, and though he hated himself for it, a twinge of jealousy crept into his chest at the thought of someone else taking Isobel as their date.
Quickly pushing the feeling aside, and grasping for another topic, Trent’s mind landed on the first thing tied to the dance—the holiday that followed. With the ball and the end of term drawing near, Christmas break was fast approaching, and the idea of escaping the castle was a welcome one. “Do you have any plans for Christmas?” he asked. Though most would ask the question out of mere politeness, Trent’s curiosity was entirely genuine. It was rare for him to show such interest in someone else’s life, but with Isobel, he found himself wanting to know everything—the details, the traditions, what made her smile. It was more than curiosity; Trent wanted to understand Isobel in a way he hadn’t with anyone else.
“Let me know if you ever want to visit the Thestral after curfew,” he said, a smile tugging at his lips as he recalled their first meeting and thought of repeating that night. Trent hadn’t been breaking the rules much lately, focusing on staying on track, but for Isobel, he’d make an exception. Taking a sip of his Butterbeer, Trent watched as more student filtered into the Three Broomsticks, their laughter and chatter filling the space as they proudly showcased their newly purchased formal wear. The sight reminded him of the upcoming dance, and though he hated himself for it, a twinge of jealousy crept into his chest at the thought of someone else taking Isobel as their date.
Quickly pushing the feeling aside, and grasping for another topic, Trent’s mind landed on the first thing tied to the dance—the holiday that followed. With the ball and the end of term drawing near, Christmas break was fast approaching, and the idea of escaping the castle was a welcome one. “Do you have any plans for Christmas?” he asked. Though most would ask the question out of mere politeness, Trent’s curiosity was entirely genuine. It was rare for him to show such interest in someone else’s life, but with Isobel, he found himself wanting to know everything—the details, the traditions, what made her smile. It was more than curiosity; Trent wanted to understand Isobel in a way he hadn’t with anyone else.
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