A Little Bit of Magic: Open to any students!

There is a wide flat lawn across the northern part of the castle grounds. Sloping lawns lead south toward the forest and border the lake. Lawns are also where you can find the Gamekeeper's Hut, greenhouses, vegetable patches, and training grounds.
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Erynhil Zaheer
Player: Nova

A Little Bit of Magic: Open to any students!

Post by Erynhil Zaheer »

Erynhil hummed to himself as he stood out on the lawns, several easels and canvases around, varying in size and shape. He had told his students to meet him on the lawn and to extend the invitation to anyone they knew who might be interested in a bit of artistic expression. After working with Adeline in town, he managed to get ahold of something she had become a bit renowned with the art community for- her enchanted ink. It wasn't a hard enchantment to recreate, and she'd even taught people how, as she did not want to by any means keep that information to herself.

Now knowing the enchantment she used and how she did it, Erynhil had enchanted various colors for students to use, though he was going to share that bit of information once their creations neared completion. What they painted would come off the canvas for a moment in time, just ink, nothing dangerous, but still, he imagined it would be a rather fun experience.

While he was waiting, he was sketching something in a sketchbook, his head tilted to the side. He continued to hum, seeming distracted, but he was aware of his surroundings and would know when the first of the students arrived...
"Embrace your true self, for therein lies your greatest strength and the power to inspire others."
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Devereaux Gordon
4th Year
4th Year
Player: CptDonutHole

Post by Devereaux Gordon »

Devereaux hurried out of the main doors and emerged onto the Lawns. For some reason, Professor Zaheer had informed them that they would meet outside today. This was Devereaux’s first year in art, opting out of taking a fourth year of flying so that he could ‘stretch his horizons’ as he had called it. He was not particularly artistically inclined, but at the very least he figured he might be able to pick up some interesting spells through the process.

He supposed that it wasn’t too strange for an art professor to want to teach outside. Nature did seem to be a strong muse for plenty of artists. Devereaux himself often took great joy in hiking with his family. He had some strong memories of playing in the woods near their house with his older brother.

As he walked across the lawns, Devereaux finally spotted Professor Zaheer. He was standing near a small collection of easels and canvases with a sketchbook in his hand. “Painting? This will be interesting.” Devereaux muttered to himself, not at all excited about having to display his pitiful painting skills. Finally, after a little more walking, he felt that he was close enough to address the professor. He was the first to arrive so it would be a little awkward to just stand there in silence until others showed up.

“Hello Professor Zaheer, the weather seems particularly nice for an outdoor art class.” That was it, a greeting and a comment about the weather. Devereaux thought it was greeting enough and fell silent.
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