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Player: Nova


Post by Alic »

Image Full Name: Alic
Age: 28
Birthdate: November 14th
Parents: Deceased
Height/build: Tall and lean, standing at 6 feet 1 inch (185 cm) with a wiry yet athletic build.
Hair/eye colour: Dark brown hair, neatly styled, with a touch of rebelliousness/ Blue eyes
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Profession: He takes up various jobs around Diagon and Knockturn Alley. He currently is working at the Apothecary.
Wand: Yew wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ¾ inches.
Patronus: Stag
Boggart: Himself as a sickly child
Certifications/skills: Basic potion brewing, some skill with herbs, Legilimency, Occlumency, Apparition, and some simple charms and hexes

Alic, born into a Muggle family in the impoverished slums of London, faced a difficult start to life. His parents, struggling to make ends meet, tragically succumbed to a fatal disease when he was only eight years old, leaving him orphaned and alone. Forced to survive on the unforgiving streets, Alic endured years of hardship, relying on his resilience and street smarts to navigate a world that showed him little mercy.

At the age of 15, Alic's life took an unexpected turn when he discovered his dormant magical abilities. It happened in a moment of desperation when local thugs threatened to take what little he possessed. In a surge of uncontrolled magic, Alic defended himself, revealing his powers to the astonishment of both his attackers and himself. This event sparked a flicker of hope within Alic, showing him that there was a realm of possibilities beyond the harsh reality he had known. From that moment forward, he chose to abandon the person he had been in favor of who he could become, and he stopped using the last name of his mother, the only last name he'd known. As far as he was concerned the Daveys were dead.

Fortune smiled upon him as, through a twist of fate, Alic found his way into Diagon Alley within the year. The sight of the bustling magical world both enchanted and infuriated him. He hid among the shadows, surviving on scraps and the pity of others, while secretly observing the stark disparities that plagued the magical community. It was during this time that Alic dared to venture into the dark underbelly of Knockturn Alley, where he witnessed the depths of corruption, greed, and inequality that further fueled his resentment towards the established order.

Alic's transformation into a force to be reckoned with began at the age of 17 when he managed to steal enough galleons to pay Ollivander for a proper wand. The wand became his instrument of power, symbolizing his defiance against a world that had overlooked him for so long. Though Ollivander found it peculiar that Alic acquired his wand at a later age, he chose not to probe further, sensing something enigmatic and determined in the young wizard.

With each passing year, Alic honed his magical skills through barter and persuasion, convincing others to teach him spells and expanding his repertoire. As his powers grew, so did his ambition, and the desire for change burned within him. He cunningly recruited the disillusioned residents of Knockturn Alley, stirring up unrest and strategically using situations as bait to observe the response of the wider wizarding community.

Determination courses through his veins, forged from the crucible of adversity he faced as an orphaned Muggle-born in the unforgiving streets of London. This determination fuels his relentless pursuit of justice and his unwavering belief in the need for radical change.

Charismatic and persuasive, Alic possesses a captivating charm that draws others to his cause. He has a magnetic presence that can inspire loyalty and rally those disillusioned by the inequities of the magical world. However, beneath his charismatic facade lies a cunning mind that calculates every move, always seeking opportunities to further his agenda.

Alic's experiences have given him a shrewd understanding of manipulation. He knows how to exploit people and situations, using them as pawns in his elaborate game to expose the flaws and hypocrisies of the magical community. While driven by a genuine desire for justice, Alic's methods are not always without shades of gray, blurring the line between righteous rebellion and personal vendetta.

Behind his cool and collected exterior, Alic harbors deep-seated vulnerability and scars from his troubled past. These scars are a driving force, propelling him forward, and making him both resolute and uncompromising in his mission to dismantle the structures.

Face Claim: Dan Stevens
OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord
From the depths of injustice, rises the strength of change.
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