The air was warm and damp, a welcome change compared to the chilled air outside as winter was in full swing. There was a rich, earthy aroma from the rich soil and the blooms of the surrounding plants. Theo Delacroix crouched down to examine a row of Mandrakes, tilting his head as he observed the tangled roots of their bodies. He reached up and adjusted his earmuffs to make sure that they were properly in place before proceeding any further. His eyes shifted over each of the plants until it settled on a hearty one on the right, the leaves looking particularly vibrant among the others. He did a little shuffle, centering himself. His eyes twinkled with amusement and gently prodded the soil, loosening the dirt around the roots. "There we are, there we are..." He whispered quietly.
It was sort of a side hobby of his lately, experimenting with new solutions to support the development of the Mandrakes in the greenhouse. Of course, he had to sneak out when nobody else seemed to be around to conduct his studies, but he found the quiet and solitude of the greenhouses comforting when everyone else was busy socializing and running about the grounds. His results were coming out favorable too, which was a bonus. As he loosened up the soil, he noticed a small object near the edge of the pot and reached down to retrieve, "Where did that come from..?"
The Mandrake Whisperer [Isobel]
The rooms in which the various classes are taught. Each class is taught in a different room, and the location depends on the subject. Lessons can be held in many places, for example, greenhouses, towers, dungeons, the grounds and the forest.
- Theo Delacroix
- 5th Year
- Player: Laggylestrange
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