Devereaux Gordon

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Devereaux Gordon
4th Year
4th Year
Player: CptDonutHole

Devereaux Gordon

Post by Devereaux Gordon »

Full Name: Devereaux Gordon
Age: 15
Birthdate: February 7th, 1991
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 4th
Years/dates attending: 2002-present)
Core: Astronomy, Charms, DADA, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration.
Electives: Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures
Extra Curricular: Art (Took flying for his first 3 years)
Devereaux was born to Julius and Eilene Gordon on February 7th 1990. His mother is a witch of moderate skill. His father Julius is a muggle with zero magical aptitude. Julius repaired Eilene’s vehicle on the side of the road one day and the rest is history. Devereaux’s older brother Jeremy never demonstrated any magical ability and never received an invitation to Hogwarts. Fortunately, Jeremy never took it to poorly. Devereaux and his younger sister Eris both have demonstrated an aptitude in magic. 

Julius and Eilene did there best to prepare their children for both the muggle world and the magical world. They introduced their children to magic and the world surrounding it, but they also saw to it that they knew how to function in the muggle world. Devereaux’s mother would often tell him and his siblings stories of growing up in the world of magic, and stories of things that happened while she was at school.

He distinctly recalls the first time his young mind realized just how powerful magic was. He was one a hiking trip with his family when he was 6 and his family stumbled upon a badger sett. Suddenly a large badger emerged and seemed to be about to attack them. To his six year old mind this badger was a huge and dangerous beast, but with a flick of her wand, his mother calmed the animal and sent it trundling back into it’s den with little fuss. His young mind was baffled at how such a large and angry beast could be turned away with little more than a wave of his mothers hand.

Deveraeux feels like he has had a pretty enjoyable upbringing. His father is a mechanic by trade, even though he owns his own shop in Grassington now. He has tried to teach his children the value of hard work and taking care of their responsibilities. His mother emphasized these traits by encouraging the children to explore the world around them and try to make it a better place.

Sometimes this upbringing has left Devereaux feeling a little caught between worlds. Feeling often times like he doesn’t truly belong in either the muggle world or the magic world. He hoped that entering Hogwarts would help alleviate those feelings. It did help him to feel more connected to the magical world, but it also revealed to him how different his upbringing was to a lot of his classmates.

First year:
Second year:
Third year:

Devereaux can be described a moderately outgoing and extremely optimistic. He likes to think of himself as very principled, but he also likes to be liked, so peer pressure is something that he sometimes struggles with. He can be slow to admit when he is wrong, but he is quick to apologize the he realized that he was wrong.

Devereaux is very disciplined when it comes to his school work. He enjoys getting his responsibilities taken care of first so that he can enjoy himself with something on his mind. He enjoys learning how things work, so he can sometimes be found in the library reading a book book about some random topic that he just happened to think about earlier that day. He also loves the outdoors and can’t resist an opportunity to spend time outside.

Devereaux has a tendency to ignore others feelings when he is focused on a task or has responsibilities. He likes to be right about thinks and likes to share what he knows, so he can come across as a know it all.

Hometown: Grassington, Yorkshire Dales
Residence: Grassington
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: half-blood
Pet: Blink the Barn Owl
Wand: Oak, Unicorn Hair, Slightly Unyielding, 12 1/2 inches

Family Members:
Julius Gordon (Muggle) , 47, Auto shop owner.
Eilene Gordon (Witch) , 44, Book Keeper for husbands Auto shop.

Jeremy Gordon, 19, works in fathers auto shop ‘for now’.
Eris Gordon, 10, hopes go to Hogwarts like her older brother Devereaux.

Clubs/Activities: Duelling Club
Best class: Ancient Runes
Worst class: Potions
Favourite class: Care of Magical Creatures
Least favourite class: Astronomy

Height/build: 5’11” ; Devereaux is a bulky athletic build, other muggles constantly ask him if he plays rugby. You might think he his a little chunky if you see him in his robes, but he’s rather muscular. He prefers to say that he looks like he works out, but also doesn’t say no to dessert.
Hair/eye colour: Dark brown hair and matching brown eyes

Face claim: Kyle Allen
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OOC information:
OOC username: CptDonutHole
Preferred means of contact: Discord is best. I am in the discord server and CptDonutHole is my username there
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